Order copies of 2018 Storm of Hope pamphlet by 2 Jan
3. Order copies of 2018 Storm of Hope pamphlet
The theme in 2018 will be “A Way of Life with Green Christian”
Each year members and friends have ordered extra copies to hand out to their churches or to other groups. We can send as many as you like – 50, 100, 200, more. Please email Ruth at info@greenchristian.org.uk with your name, postal address and the number of copies you want. You can see last year’s Storm of Hope here This offer is free, but donations towards printing and postage are always welcome! Please reply by Tuesday 2nd January . Thank you.
Next: GC E-News: Edition 82: July 2018
Previous: Judith our Green Champion
Comments on "Order copies of 2018 Storm of Hope pamphlet by 2 Jan"
You need to email your address to the email given above
Karin McDonald:
Could I have 50 please?
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