PRESS RELEASE : Nisa supermarket makes surprise donation to Green Christian

North East London-based charity Green Christian has been offered a significant donation by the NISA supermarket in Highams Park under their “Making a Difference Locally” scheme, which earmarks a proportion of sales for good causes. Green Christian is an educational charity helping to bring people of faith together to work on environmental projects, and has its Resources Office in South Chingford.

Information Officer Jo Abbess said, “I’m taken aback by the generosity shown by Nisa. These funds are going to be very welcome in supporting our projects, and my colleagues are thrilled to hear the news.”

She added, “Nisa in Highams Park has always impressed me as an enterprise with community values – it shows in the treatment of its staff and customers, and the attention to the quality of the food on sale – for example, offering a selection of Fair Trade products, free range eggs and a wide selection of fresh fruit and vegetables.”

The donation was a “total surprise” to Green Christian. Jo Abbess added, “I never dreamed Nisa would choose us, but I’m so glad they did !”.

Amongst other ongoing projects, Green Christian is hosting a London-wide workshop on housing in January 2015, covering issues such as affordable housing, energy efficiency, green renovations and empty properties.

Previous workshops and conferences have placed the spotlight on ethical food, low carbon transport solutions and the green economy.

Green Christian came to Nisa’s attention when Danish Abbas, Store Manager for Highams Park, consulted his customers about local good causes, and happened to ask Jo Abbess, who revealed that she worked for a charity in the area.

Jo Abbess, a regular Nisa customer commented, “I usually shop at the Co-operative and I get my organic vegetables from the OrganicLea community growing scheme. But if I run out of fruit or bread late at night, I always pop into the Nisa, because they are a friendly, independent store. I don’t think you can get nicer than a local Nisa.”

Notes for the Editors

Contact : Green Christian Editor : 0345 45 98 460 (Number updated 2018)

1. The Making a Difference Locally scheme collects 1p to 2p from sales of a selected range of products sold in the Nisa branch, and they consider a range of local good causes on their merits.

2. The Nisa Retail Limited franchise represented in Hale End Road, Highams Park, in Waltham Forest, has ten branches in North London, and make regular charitable donations to worthy causes.

3. Making a Difference Locally can be contacted via

4. More details about Green Christian can be found on their website :

5. People who wish to take part in Green Christian events and projects do not need to declare a Christian faith. Green Christian has associates in the Muslim, Jewish and Sikh environmental movements, and welcomes participation from people of all faiths and none.

6. Green Christian is a trading and operating name of Christian Ecology Link. Green Christian is also the name of the organisation’s flagship magazine, and the social media account on Twitter : @GreenChristian_

7. Green Christian is running a workshop on “Housing and Energy – Fairness for all” on 24th January 2015, 11am to 4.30pm, St Aloysius Church, 20 Phoenix Road, London NW1 1TA (near Euston station) :

8. Nisa stores can be located online :

9. Green Christian encourages people to eat the LOAF way – Local, Organic, Animal-friendly and Fairly Traded, and where possible, support the local economy, rather than giant multinational corporations :



Date: 29 October, 2014 | Category: Media Release | Comments: 0

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