Press Release: Record your churchyard wildlife

11 March 2013
for immediate release


Christian Ecology Link is using the occasion of its Annual Conference in Leeds on 16 March for the UK launch of a Europe-wide Churchyard Wildlife Survey.

You and church groups are invited to complete a simple questionnaire, and submit the results. The questions were prepared by the Biodiversity Working Group at the European Christian Environment Network Assembly last August, which was attended by delegates from 22 countries.

The conference will be held at Oxford Place Methodist Centre Leeds LS1 3AX 10.30-17.00. The Keynote speaker is Philip Roderick, founder-director of the Quiet Garden Trust and leader of Contemplative Fire. There are workshops on a wide variety of sustainability and
ecological issues.

The survey questions are simple and women’s groups, children’s groups, men’s groups will all enjoy taking part.

Dr Judith Allinson, a botanist from Yorkshire who is coordinating the questionnaire in UK says:

“Even if you only have a small inner city church, there are likely to be weeds on the pavement outside. As the bible says, God sees the tiny sparrow fall. If you don’t know the names of the weeds invite a local naturalist to help, or visit

“I was delighted to hear Prince Charles championing the protection of our countryside this week for the sake of future generations. Running a wildlife survey event in your local churchyard is a good way of learning about wildlife.

“Sometimes churchyards provide an area of greenery in otherwise built up areas.Taking part in this survey will encourage people to look more closely at things they otherwise pass by week by week.”
By taking part you and your group will

1. Learn, and encourage others to learn, a little more about wildlife
2. Show to others that wildlife is important
3. Send in data so we can compare churchyard wildlife round the country.

The survey form can be downloaded from

Details of the 2012 ECEN Assembly:

Details of the CEL conference in Leeds 16 March:




Date: 14 March, 2013 | Category: Media Release |Topics: | Comments: 1

Comments on "Press Release: Record your churchyard wildlife"

David Curry:

January 23, 2017

Is there any way I can access churchyard wildlife survey data for Devon or download a copy of the survey form? Many thanks Devon Churches Green Action

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