Projects of Green Christian
A major part of Green Christian’s work and raison d’être is to enable and encourage individual members to carry our Green Christian’s aims locally, as they see fit in their local situations, and to network. Our resources and activities are directed to this
However we do have some specific projects from the large scale to the very small. Please let me know if there are extra projects you feel could be mentioned here
- Joy in Enough: Website and Activities on finding a new economics
- Way of Life: A group of members within in Green Christian meeting and sharing – a calling for deeper engagement and shared encouragement.
- (Operation Noah): This used to be a Green Christian Campaign. It split off to be come an organisation in its own right in 2009.
- Rainforest Fund Project: Encouraging churches to raise £100 to save an acre of habitat under threat
- Green Christian on the Road: A Day workshop that takes place in different parts of the country. Could you hold one in your town? The next one is 9 March 2024 in Ansty near Coventry
- Food Project and LOAF (Encouraging people and churches to use food that fulfils one of the following: Locally sourced, Organic, Animal Friendly & Fairly Traded. Green Christian is developing a new Food Project during 2024.
- Resources: Green Christian has a variety of resources – and links to many others. These continually need updating – If you can help with any of these, especially in compiling links to useful worship resources please get in touch. See also: resources leaflet with live links
- Short campaigns and actions : We have had short campaigns in the past where we have sent out press releases, and encouraged our members to do specific things, and some of the material from these is still on the website.. Supporting Campaigns of others: Spending time supporting certain campaigns of others can be a valuable use of time -. We support them through encouraging our members to support them, and by publicising them in social media
- Responding to climate grief and eco-anxiety: Borrowed Time Project? This now has its own website and runs two sets of courses, and has the material from these available for others to use in running courses.: Deep Waters and Cloud and Fire
- Online workshops: (Usually Wednesday evenings) These do three things: 1) Educate us; 2) Raise awareness of issues 3) Enable people to make contact with other members.
- We also have a small projects grant (up to £200) available for members to carry out projects to raise awareness in their home churches, places.
Next: Green Christian Statement: The Time is Now, not 2045!
Previous: GC’s Day at Shrewsbury
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