Pudding anyone?


“From the four corners of the earth come inter-connecting stories of human beings living with the wild, unpredictable effects of climate change…

Scientists, farmers, oil magnates, climate warriors, prophets, mothers, journalists and others just like you and me – we’re all in the mix and hungry for a recipe of hope in the struggle about power. Some will sound the warming bell, some blow hot and cold, while others make a pudding of the planet.

Through the richly entertaining world of BAKED ALASKA, the realities of climate change are served up with flair and clarity about the temperatures involved. Riding Lights are creating an inspiring show which is challenging but fun, urgent but hopeful.”

BAKED ALASKA is touring churches across the UK this autumnserving up a recipe for hope ready for the 2015 United Nations Conference on Climate Change taking place in Paris this December. The Riding Lights Theatre Company has been bowled over by how much interest there has been in the tour.

And it comes to our own/local/nearby Church xxxxxx on xxxxxx starting at xxx pm.

Riding Lights Theatre Company is one of the UK’s most productive and long-established independent theatre companies. Founded in York over 30 years ago, partly through the initiative of a city-centre church, the company continues to take innovative, accessible theatre into all kinds of communities far and wide.

The Company’s stated aims are to create unforgettable, entertaining theatre in response to current issues and the hopes and fears of the world we share. Baked Alaska certainly promises to meet that aim, and will be a highly creative way of helping audiences to actively engage with the issues of justice and responsible sustianable living that are raised by the reality of global climate change.

The show is sponsored by Christian AidOperation Noah and the Diocese of Lichfield.

There will be more than 50 performances of the show covering a significant amount of England and Scotland, plus a brief trip into Wales. A full list of the tour dates can be found at http://www.baked-alaska.org/

Why not start planning a trip to one of the performances? We’d love to see you there, where you will be welcomed by local Christian Aid and Operation Noah supporters.

Tickets are on sale now at http://ridinglights.org/baked-alaska/ and from your local church at xxxxx



Author: | Date: 19 July, 2015 | Category: Church Magazine Climate Change | Comments: 0

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