References for Joy in Enough Working Groups
Deitz, Rob and O’Neill, Dan (2013) ‘Enough is Enough’, Earthscan from Routledge, Oxford.
Emmott, Stephen (2013) ‘Humans: the real threat to life on Earth’ The Observer 30/06
Galbraith, John Kenneth (1958) ‘The Affluent Society’, Penguin, New York
Jackson, Tim (2009) ‘Prosperity without Growth – Economics for a Finite Planet’ Earthscan, London
Lynas, Mark (2011) ‘The God Species’ Fourth Estate, London
McLaren, Duncan (1995) ‘Environmental Space – Measuring the Dimensions of Sustainability’ Environment Council (UK) Business & Environment Ecofact Series
Packard, Vance (1957) ‘The Hidden Persuaders’, Harmonsworth, England
Powley, Mark (2011) ‘Consumer Detox – Less Stuff, More Life’, Zondervan, Michigan
Putnam. Robert D. (2000) ‘Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community’ Simon & Schuster, New York:
Sandel, Michael (2012) ‘What Money Can’t Buy’, Penguin, London
Schor, Juliet B (2010) ‘Plenitude -The New Economics of True Wealth’ Penguin, New York
Seabrook, Jeremy, (1988) ‘The Race to Riches’, Green Print – Marshall Pickering, Sheffield
Sigman, Aric (2005) ‘Remotely Controlled’, Vermillion, London
Skidelsky, Robert and Skidelsky, Edward (2012) ‘How Much Is Enough?’ Penguin, London
Storkey, Alan (2009) ‘A biblical economic reformation’ The Bible in Transmission – Winter 2009
Wagstaff, Howard and Leach, Donald (1986) ‘Future Employment * Technological Change’, Kogan Page, London
Wilkinson, Richard and Pickett, Kate (2009) ‘The Spirit Level’, Penguin. London
Topics that cross working group boundaries (but might be allocated to a particular working group)
- Localisation: relevant to 1.1, 2, 4.1 above
- Revival of craft and practical skill training: relevant to 2.2, 2.3, 3.2, 4.1
Next: WG 1: The big transnational questions
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