Report from Stop Climate Chaos December 2013 Meeting

Here follows a report from member Tony Roper who attended the Stop Climate Chaos coalition meeting on 11th December 2013.

I went to the Stop Climate Chaos meeting. It was really enjoyable. Good to see so many church/Christian organisations represented, obviously a lot of work being done, it gave me a bit of encouragement.

In the context of the discussion groups we were having I was able to mention our LOAF campaign and ecocell programme also I gave a plug for our food seminar with Tim Lang. I spoke to a Salvation Army guy and drew attention to some of our material and web site. This group was talking about Food others discussed different subjects like Finance, Fracking, Energy Efficiency, Community Engagement, Population and Consumer Power.

At the beginning of the meeting Tom [ Crompton ] from WWF [ Common Cause ] talked about what was happening on the political scene. One thing he told us was new nuclear was more expensive than land-based wind and whilst nuclear would get more expensive wind was set to get cheaper. Sophia [ McNab, UK Youth Climate Coalition and Stop Climate Chaos coalition ] then talked about Warsaw and what might come about in Paris. A guy named Harry [ Huyton ? ] then spoke on various matters including connecting local campaigns to national also how to get people re-motivated. It was thought that Government looks at the scene of environmental campaigners and sees different groups but does not notice the total numbers of people who are calling for something to be done and change!

An enjoyable meeting, with a glass of Fairtraide wine to wash it down.



Date: 12 December, 2013 | Category: Events Reports | Comments: 0

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