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Green Christian

Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times

Eco Pilgrims

tune: Monk’s Gate

We who would valiant be
as Earth’s caretakers,
let us join in harmony
to serve the Maker.
This world’s a sacred space,
where all may see God’s grace,
and here we find our place
as eco pilgrims.

Deep within our universe
lies wondrous treasure,
riches from a generous purse
to give us pleasure.
There’s plenty for our need,
but not for selfish greed;
let’s follow Jesus’ lead
as eco pilgrims.

Mark the beat of nature’s heart
to set us dancing;
linking hands to play our part
is life-enhancing.
Christ calls us to connect
with all who help protect
the gifts that face neglect,
as eco pilgrims.

So for wisdom, Lord, we pray
in all our dealings;
show us how to work and play
for nature’s healing.
Away with lethargy!
God grant us energy
to nurture land and sea
as eco pilgrims.

Alison Blenkinsop 26.9.2019