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How Great Thou Art by Ingrid Riches
How Great Thou Art……my favourite hymn, as it glorifies all the works God’s hand has made. The wildlife are not to scale of course, but it is to raise awareness for the work still to be done.

Durlston Dolphins and Marine Solar by Marisa Mann
Watercolour of imagined floating solar, off Durlston, Dorset.Created in response to recent discussions on tidal and floating on reservoirs and sheltered waters.We are surrounded by sea, and some fairly low tech water powered solutions could easily be done.

Ingrid Riches
“I have always painted and been active in environmental and animal rights issues. As a young woman in the 70’s chaining myself to railings outside a ‘Happy Egg’ restaurant against the cruelty of caged hens. Now I use my Art to raise awareness from Ice cap melting, to Rainforest destruction. I prayed to God to bring my art & passion together and Green Christian was my answer, I have become part of a family of love and hope and caring. Thank you, Lord.”

Lizzie May, a member of Green Christian says "I had a deep experience during prayer when God put His Earth on my heart and have found him speaking into my artwork.
Here is the first (this is 3D made from recycled painted/handprinted artwork leftovers) in my series 'Eden' which is my hope and belief that we must try and it is possible to slow and stop the damage we humans have and are making to the Earth, flora, fauna around us."

Climate Change by Marissa Mann
Marisa Rehana Mann is an artist currently living and working in Dorset.
Marisa Mann’s work is influenced by a unique, colourful childhood to overcome difficulties faced in
later life. Born in the richly varied environment in the foothills of the Himalayas and early childhood
in the war-torn regions of West Africa, this early influence can be felt in her exotic, bold use of
colour and formal figurative arrangements. The works adopt simple, pared-down forms that carry
the message of an Asian-African upbringing whilst continuing to be expansive, dramatic and
The current focus of Marisa Mann’s work has developed through the determination to overcome her
disability and become vocal through art for humanitarian causes close to her heart

Eco Church by Graham Norman
Eco Church is a mixed media collage depicting St Mary the Virgin Eling overlooking the Solent. It is my expression of the joy of renewal, an honouring of the past and apprehension and uncertainty in the present. Hope is present in the eternal stars over the church and in the free flying swifts.
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