Rowan Williams to give Climate Change talk at Bristol Global Aware Conf 24 Jan
Global Aware 2015: Climate Change: A Matter of Faith?
Sat 24 January 2015, 9:30-16:30 – Elim @ Bristol City Church & Conference Centre, Jamaica Street, Bristol
** There will be a Green Christian Stall at this conference . Do visit the stall and find out about forming a Bristol Green Christian Local Group. Email for info **
As part of Bristol Green Capital 2015 Global Aware Conference this year will focus on the pressing issue of climate change and how we as people of faith can respond through action in our churches and local communities and as individuals.
Keynote Speaker: Dr Rowan Williams, Chair of Christian Aid
Including voices and reflections from the Global South on the impacts of climate change and ideas and examples from Bristol on how we can respond as churches and individuals.
Draft programme:
9.30 Arrivals and Coffee
10.00 Introduction and worship (Pastor Pete Millward from Elim and then Dave Mitchell and Colse Leung from Woodlands)
10.15 Rowan Williams talk: Climate Change: A Matter of Faith
10.45 Q&A with Rowan Williams
11.15 Coffee break
11.45 Climate change Impacts: film from Uganda
11.55 Climate Change Impacts: Sudarshan Sathianan, Tearfund Head of Asia
12.20 The Climate Coalition
12.30 Influencing our politicians – Valerie Davey
12.45 Green Capital (including Green Churches)
13.00 Intro to lunch – Fareshare SW
13.05 Lunch
14.00 Intro to Market Place
Engaging with your Transition Towns movement – Bradford on Avon
Fairtrade for Sustainability
Live Simply Parish – CAFOD
Church Solar Panels – Easton Christian Family Centre
Growing Projects
Switching Energy Supplier – Ecotricity
Challenging Your Pension Provider – (Greenlight campaign)
Churches Divestment Campaign – Mark Letcher (Operation Noah)
Grandparents for a Safe Earth
Pray and Fast for the Climate
Lent Carbon Fast (David Maggs)
Green Christian
14.30 Open Space
15.30 Taking Action (including Green Churches)
16.00 Photo and pledge
16.10 Closing worship – led by Ray Viera
16.30 END
For details and how to book, visit
Next: This is the year to get active on climate change!
Previous: A Fossil Free Nativity (2014)
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