Show the Love Prayer – Template email to your church leader

We’d love churches up and down the country to pray one of our Show the Love prayers. We have written this template email for you to use to send to your church leader, or to make an email based in it.

Dear Church Leader / Father/ Local Preacher  or ……..

Sunday 14th February is St Valentine’s Day.

God’s amazing and unique Creation is being lost due to over exploitation. Tropical rainforests are being cut down, the arctic is melting and bees are being lost due to our over-use of pesticides. People in the Global South are dying now from climate change.

The Climate Coalition (a coalition of groups that campaign on climate change) encourages us each year in February to “Show the Love” we have for the beautiful world with which we have been entrusted.

Green Christian held a national competition inviting people to compose a prayer as part of the “Show the Love” campaign. We hope the prayer will be used on that Sunday 14th February in churches up and down the entire country.

A United Nations survey has just shown that 81% of people in the UK realise that climate change is a global emergency, so the Church should be in the forefront.

Green Christian has put together this collection of “Show the Love” prayers, including two key prayers.

Please could we use one of these prayers on 14th February at our service.

Yours sincerely

If you are a church that is making recorded services .. maybe you could even volunteer to read the prayer?



Date: 28 January, 2021 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 2

Comments on "Show the Love Prayer – Template email to your church leader"

Ruth Jarman:

January 28, 2021


Alison Blenkinsop:

January 28, 2021

I mentioned this to my minister, and she has asked me to do the intercessions that day, so I have free rein!

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