Slow Travel part 6: end of the conference

In morning worship on the last day of the conference, Thursday, we heard from Diana, a Christian from Egypt, who explained to us some of the environmental pressures experienced across the Middle East, from drought and pollution, smog, and disputes over water supply (for example between Eritrea and Egypt over the Nile), to the heating climate, and the growing refugee crisis. She told us there is much more that she didn’t have time to mention.

Later in the morning we had the opportunity to give feedback from our national or regional groupings, about the way forward – the way that is most appropriate for each area. In the UK we are already blessed with a number of Christian environmental bodies, and yet we often feel that  churches are unaware of us and the work we do. We felt that it is most appropriate to set up a Facebook page which is a “One-Stop Shop” – where churches and individuals can access information about all the different Christian environmental charities and initiatives in the UK.

Before lunch we worshipped together, taking part in a Communion service with home-made bread from the bread oven. It was a moving service of personal and corporate commitment to our most fundamental calling, taking care of our common home.

A delicious final lunch, farewells, and thank-yous, and then off by shuttle bus to Vence, and from there another bus to Nice, the night train to Paris, the Eurostar to London, Tube, and then the final train to Bristol. Plenty of time to think and process the past few days.



Date: 26 September, 2017 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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