Spring Conference, Treasure in the Field

Conference Participants by Judith Allinson

  1. CEL post Conference Press Release Report:-
  2. Independent Catholic News Report
  3. Watch the video of Jonathan Porritt’s keynote address on You Tube. Part One, Part Two
  4. Watch the video of Tim Gorringe’s response to Jonathan Porritt on You Tube.
  5. Watch the video of Paul Bodenham’s response to Jonathan Porritt on You Tube.
  6. Pictures available at:-
  7. 28 Pictures by Martin Davis (contact him for larger versions)
  8. Twelve Pictures by Judith Allinson (contact her for larger versions and copyright)
  9. Some notes on Tim Gorringe’s talk and workshop – An exploration of economics’ – contradiction of infinite growth on a finite planet and transition town thinking
  10. Notes on:- Mark Letcher’s workshop: How to reach people on climate change:
  11. Notes on the whole day including the workshops of Jonathan Essex and Chris Sunderland
  12. Martin Davis’ blog report: “Il-faut-cultiver-notre-jardin.”
  13. JRI Report
  14. Some quotes observed at the conference:-

Jonathon Porrit by Judith Allinson

Jonathan Porritt “We’re in a growth spiral, from which there is no politically acceptable exit.” {by implication, need to look at changing the political climate, as
well as overpopulation, resource depletion, etc.}

Tim Gorringe “Redistribution is at the heart of what Leviticus is about” {is it at
the heart of what CEL is about? if not, how (why) to make it so? or is that the territory of other organisations?}

Tim Gorringe: “The situation in Greece – could be our situation here in 5 or 10 years

Tim Gorringe:”The bonds of society wont work if the inequalities in it are too great.”

Paul Bodenham: “How do we find our way to those alternative visions?” {need to set
sights on where going, not just analyse what’s wrong with the present trajectory}

Mark Letcher “The person who delivers the message is as important as what they
say”. using Gandhi’s “Live the change you want to see”. “What would the world be like if we achieved all we want to?”



Author: poppy | Date: 27 March, 2012 | Category: GC Events | Comments: 2

Comments on "Spring Conference, Treasure in the Field"

Juliette Cox:

September 7, 2012

Re-reading this comment of mine, I think I was way off-track with this comment. I obviously had pro-life issues at the forefront of my mind and had been opposing certain campaigns promoting birth-control measures in developing countries. I should have known better and respected Jonathan Porrit's in-depth knowledge and experience on the subject of sustainability and most importantly his integrity.My sincerest apologies Jonathan.It was encouraging to hear you in the videos. I am very interested in the subject and know I need to listen first to leaders in the field such as yourself, before passing comment.

Juliette Cox:

April 11, 2012

I'd be interested to know about Jonathon Porrit's points of view on population growth. I hope he is not promoting population control measures such as contraception. Such measures are wrong and would alter the population age structure which has all manner of repercussions. Is a fuller account of his presentation available for reading? Else I shall look out for some of his recent publications on the subject.Thanking you.

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