The Blue Zone .. and loss and damage finance at COP26 -by Giles Goddard
Reflections from the Blue Zone and the need for loss and damage finance at COP26.
Canon Giles Goddard is authorised as an Observer for the Blue Zone and Chair of “Make COP Count”. Green Christian supports “Make COP Count” which is part of the Faiths for the Climate Network. This is a brief reflection from Giles on his experiences:
“I’ve spent time there trying to make sense of it all. The overwhelming impression is one of size – the vastness of the conference, the numbers of delegates, the international presence, every language being spoken, busyness and pressure.
Underlying that, though, is a sense that this is all a huge machine, which has been rolling for 27 years since the first COP conference… and although powerful pledges are being made, are they more words or will they lead to action? Many of the country pavilions within the Blue Zone are huge and expensive and somehow it feels like a trade fair… but, again, underlying all that I do have the feeling that most people understand the urgency of the challenge.
The $100 billion dollar question is – can they make things happen quickly enough, or will national priorities come before making the necessary changes? And will justice be at the heart of the negotiations, or is it really business as usual?
To wrap up, the headlines have been made – now we need delivery. And, as people of faith, we continue to have a role to play, whether or not we’re physically in Glasgow.
I’d like to return to our focus on loss and damage finance at Make COP Count. For me, one of the most sobering aspects of this conference has been the recurring theme of the horrific reality of climate change that’s smashing into so many countries already. This is why, with support from Livvy Hanks at Quakers in Britain, I’ve been providing updates on negotiations and actions on loss and damage finance for the Human Rights & Climate Change working group this past week.
It reminds me of what’s at stake:
“Failure to provide enough critical funding to small island nations is measured in lives and livelihoods in our communities. This is immoral, and it is unjust.” Said Barbados PM Mis Mottley.
Some things you can do for Week 2:
Get connected, inspired and informed through the many events offered at the People’s Summit
But don’t forget to take care of yourself, too – I’d recommend subscribing to Jo Musker-Sherwood’s regular COP26-related updates at Climate Emergence.
The first week of COP26 has come to a close and negotiations on Loss and Damage have seen no meaningful progress on delivering money to those who need it the most.
Although we hailed Scotland’s pledge to deliver the very first Loss and Damage fund – £1 million is just a drop in the ocean.
Monday 8 November is the COP’s official ‘Loss and Damage’ day where world leaders have to step up to the mark!
Time to ramp up the pressure and to take action. We need you to join us.
Tell the world’s biggest polluters to #PayUp4LossAndDamage TODAY on Monday 8th November.
3 Simple Steps:
Make your own “PayUp4LossAndDamage” sign – get creative!
Take a photo of yourself, and anyone else who wants to be involved – the more the merrier!
Post it online – on either Twitter or Instagram.
Rich carbon polluting countries and fossil fuel corporations caused the climate crisis – time they paid for it too.
World leaders must deliver finance to countries and communities at the sharp-end of the climate emergency this #Cop26.
#PayUp4LossAndDamage #MakePollutersPay
N.B – Make sure to use the hashtags and to tag @RobinHoodTaxUK, and @BritishQuakers in your posts!
Next: Urgent action: Ask your MP to support the Local Electricity Bill on Tuesday 30 November
Previous: Green Christian at Glasgow – COP26 – Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 .. and adding
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