The Economics of Hope Conference advert


We’ve already had over 100 bookings. Now is the time to book if you want to secure a place.

Top-class speakers to headline ‘Green Economy’ conference

7 November 2015, 11am to 5pm, at St Michael’s Centre, Stoke Gifford, Bristol.

‘Joy in Enough’ (JiE) is an invitation to all people, to join in building a just economy within the ecological limits of the Earth. Initiated by Green Christian (formerly Christian Ecology Link) two years ago and already backed by a host of other faith and environmental organisations from A Rocha to Speak – this year’s ‘Joy in Enough’ 2015 conference, entitled ‘The Economics of Hope’ will feature two top-class speakers. To book visit

Molly Scott-Cato MEP is a speaker on finance for the Green Party and was formerly a professor of economics at Roehampton University whilst Jonathan Rowson is Director of the Social Brain Centre at the Royal Society of Arts where he is conducting research on spirituality, neurology, social change and the environment.

In addition to these prominent speakers there will be seven workshops on various aspects of the day’s theme.

“With escalating environmental loss, inequality and debt, our current economic model is in ‘system failure’” says, Paul Bodenham, Chair, Green Christian,   “We believe there is an alternative, inspired by our faith and by integrating ecology and the economy, and we dare to believe it can be realised. As Christians, we are challenged from the roots of our faith to propose a new economic purpose – joy in enough for all, within Earth’s limits and in reverence for our own creaturehood”.

The 2014 conference has already resulted in work on developing declarations on ‘Awakening to a new economics’ which will be launched after the 2015 conference.

Those that have already booked their tickets for 2015 are looking forward to participating in:-

  • forming a vision for an economy in which both people and planet will flourish
  • helping the churches rethink their own mission and advocate for the alternative
  • stoking the debate with policies and stories which will make change happen.

The seven workshops are led by representatives from: A Rocha, Rethinking Economics, Global Justice Now, Positive Money, Mothers’ Union, Equality Trust and Green Christian.

You are invited to join them and have your say. For tickets (£20, and special £5 price for students) and more information on ‘The Economics of Hope’ conference and the ‘Joy in Enough’ project visit




Date: 3 September, 2015 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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