This is the year to get active on climate change!
If you’ve never been on a climate demo, this is the year to change all that!
Every day, more people are waking up to climate change. People across the world living – and dying – through drought, floods and forest fires know perfectly well that we have a problem, but those in power are mostly acting as if they hope it will all just go away.
We can all do things in our own lives to reduce our personal contribution to climate change, but if we really want to make a difference we need to get together and make democracy work. In May we will be able to vote for the party we think will do the best job at protecting the future. But we can start before then, by letting all politicians know that it is time to act.
On Saturday March 7th 2015, the Time to Act on Climate Change march will bring people together on the streets of London to demand real change and tell politicians seeking election that there is a mandate for climate-saving policies.
The march will start in Lincoln’s Inn Fields / Malet Street, setting off at 1pm and ending in Parliament Square. There will be a church service preceding the march at 11-30, where coffee and toilets will be available from 10-30am. Check the latest details here.
And on Wednesday June 17th there will be a mass lobby of parliament, telling the newly elected Government to do the right thing, to stand up to vested interests and make climate change their number one priority. The Operation Noah website will have the details nearer the time.
2015 is a crucial year for the climate. In December, governments will come together in Paris to strike a new deal for the climate – these events are two ways we can make our voices heard.
I want our government to act on climate change. Not just to do something – but to do enough. This means investment not in new fossil fuels but in renewables. It means saving energy by insulating and a shift from cars to public transport. It means a dedicated workforce to create this infrastructure – one million climate jobs. And it means the UK supporting a global agreement to leave fossil fuels in the ground, where they belong.
Ruth Jarman
Photo credit: Garry Knight
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