Top Tips for Green Lent Resources

These were written for Lent in 2014. It is now 2023 and I have updated some. We also have a purpose built page for Lent 2023 resources here

1. Stations of the Forest – this powerful short presentation (15min) is now available on Youtube – do watch it and share with your church. (Now it is 2023 and this video is 12 yrs old,  it is based on a presentation from several years before that)

The  forest destruction has continued apace.  The Columbans in Britain used to have a booklet that went with it. Columban JPIC  global Issues related to death and resurrection, linking to rainforest destruction.  JPIC Office, Hendon NW4 4TY

Recommended by Judith Allinson


2. Seven Weeks for Water
The Ecumenical Water Network invites you to use this season of Lent to reflect on how we can be better stewards of God’s Creation and live out God’s love in how we relate to others. Since 2008, the EWN has been providing weekly reflections and other resources on water for the seven weeks of Lent. 

In 2022 Resources were put online  by the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network e.g. 
based on Exodus 2:16-17:  The priest of Midian had seven daughters. They came to draw water, and filled the troughs to water their father’s flock.  But some shepherds came and drove them away. Moses got up and came to their defense and watered their flock.

Recommended by Justice and Peace Network


3. Hold a Pancake Coffee Morning to raise money for the Green Christian Rainforest Fund to save wildlife habitats for future generations. (Loss of biodiversity is increasing as the population increases and as we use more land for our increasing food and meat consumption and biofuel production – So it is good to save at least some endangered species and habitats). Could your church raise £100 to save an acre of rainforest? .. That is just the price of two pairs of trainers!! No – with inflation – just one pair of trainers!

Recommended by Judith Allinson


4.  Million Minutes Lent Challenge
Young people across the UK are telling us they will be staying silent, putting down their smartphones or logging off Facebook for 40 days and 40 nights this Lent, all in solidarity with vulnerable young people.
Over in Manchester, Loreto College is getting involved. Watch Sinead’s video here. Download the resources for secondary schools and colleges.
And in Stafford, noisy students at St Austin’s RC Primary are looking forward to discovering the power of silence this Lent. You can download primary resources and join them.
A youth group in Bolton is looking at how to they will take part – will you join them and give up Facebook or your smart-phone? Youth group resources are available if you want to challenge your young people.
And you can sign up right now to do it yourself.  Justclick here to get started.
Whatever you decide to do, it will make a huge difference to young people’s lives.

Recommended by Justice and Peace Network


5.  Cathy C. Campbell, Stations of the Banquet: Faith Foundations for Food Justice, (Liturgical Press 2003).

Here is the blurb on Amazon:  “Food reveals much about our Christian story of salvation. In Stations of the Banquet, Cathy Campbell focuses on a little explored dimension of our faith–the story of salvation as a food narrative. She provides guidance for individuals and parishes engaged in living out the food and justice challenges of the Gospel. Similar in function to the traditional Stations of the Cross, each of the fourteen “stations of the banquet” considers a dimension of the Christian story of salvation and includes litanies for community prayer. Stations of the Banquet is an invitation to become refreshed, nourished, and challenged at the feet of the one who came as the Bread of Life and invites us all to the fullness of the Banquet. Chapters are ” Prologue- Song of the Universe,” “In the Beginning…Food,” “Hear the ‘Cries of My People,” “I am the Bread of Life,” “Table Etiquette 1: Love-‘I Was Hungray and You gave Me Bread,” “Table Etiquette 2: Hospitality-‘Invite Everyone to the Banquet,” “My Cup Overflows,” “Let Justice Roll Down Like Water,” “Abide in Me as I in You,” “The Banquet,” “Your Kingdom Come,” “End Note-Eighth Day of Creation,” ‘The ‘Stations’ As Communal Prayer,” and Community Food Security.”

Recommended by Mary Grey


6.  40 Acts – Do Lent Generously

Sign up to receive 40acts emails and receive a daily dose of generosity during Lent. there are ideas from the past few years.

Resources for groups will be available from 10 Feb.

Recommended by Judith Allinson


7. Carbon Fast: See the fast and ideas produced by New Malden church in 2021

Would you like to recommend a resource?  Send us an email or add a comment at the end.



Date: 8 February, 2014 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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