Towards an annotated booklist for Joy in Enough
Towards an annotated booklist for Joy in Enough. Further suggestions welcome.
This list will be in two parts. This is the theological list.
“If you care about the poor study economic theory.” Bernard Lonergan
“The discipline of theology in a time of economic dead ends can open up the economic imagination in much the same way as the disciplines of history and theology can.” Kathryn Tanner
Divine Economy –theology and the market by Stephen Long ISBN 0-415-22673-2 pbk pages 316 Kindle price £26.71
A survey of the writing in this area since Pope Leo XIII by an American Methodist academic largely within the tradition of radical orthodoxy.
Charity-the place of the poor in the biblical tradition by Gary Anderson Professor of Theology at Notre Dame University Yale University Press ISBN 978-0-300-18133-3 Anderson shows how charity affirms the goodness of the created order; the world was created through charity and therefore affirms it.
The Fear of Beggars: Poverty and Stewardship in Christian Ethics (Ekklesia Project) by Kelly S Johnson
A very useful discussion
Economy of Grace by Kathryn Tanner Kindle price £12.46 172 pages
A very thoughtful piece of systematic theological reflection about the nature of Christian faith alongside customary beliefs and assumptions about the market economy. Tanner is Professor of Theology at the University of Chicago.
Against Usury resolving the economic, ecological and welfare crisis by Robert van de Weyer 96 pages. (Not in print try Libraries)
Theology of Money by Phillip Goodchild published 2007
Goodchild argues that money is a promise, a supreme value, a transcendent value and an obligation or a law. He argues that money has taken the place of God. It is the dominant global religion in practice, even if no one believes in it in principle.
Capitalism and Religion-the price of piety by Philip Goodchild
Kindle £27.54 pbk £28.99 published 2002 Condemns modernity and capitalism as a global religion and presents a philosophical alternative.
The Market as God by Harvey Cox (not yet published but eagerly anticipated for early September 2016
The Market has deified itself, according to Harvey Cox s brilliant exegesis. And all of the world’s problems widening inequality, a rapidly warming planet, and the injustices of global poverty are consequently harder to solve. Only by tracing how the Market reached its divine status can we hope to restore it to its proper place as servant of humanity.
Being Consumed – Economics and Christian Desire by William T Cavanaugh pbk £10.99
Among other things, Cavanaugh discusses how God, in the Eucharist, forms us to consume and be consumed rightly. Examining pathologies of desire in contemporary “free market” economies, “Being Consumed” puts forth a positive and inspiring vision of how the body of Christ can engage in economic alternatives. At every turn, Cavanaugh illustrates his theological analysis with concrete examples of Christian economic practices.”
Life after Debt Christianity and Global Justice by Michael Northcott published 1999 pbk £9.99
From Mammon to Manna by Ched Myers a series of downloads and DVDs from a radical discipleship perspective not easily available except in Libraries. Ched has been a Greenbelt speaker.
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger moving from affluence to generosity by Ronald J Snider a well-known text especially in the evangelical world.
Sabbath as Resistance by Walter Brueggemann. OT exegesis and contemporary theological reflection about the way we live and consume now.
Jesus and Money by Ben Witherington III
New Testament expert Ben Witherington III explores what the Bible does – and doesn’t – say about money. He clearly and concisely examines what Jesus and his earliest followers taught about wealth and poverty, money and debt, and tithing and sacrificial giving to help readers understand the proper role of money in modern Christian life. At a time when money issues at the forefront of many people’s concerns, this is a book for church study groups, ministers, church leaders, students, and all who are concerned about making sense of money in a world of economic uncertainty
Next: Learning from the EU referendum
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