TTIP – NOW is the time to contact your MEP

Barbara Echlin raised awareness of the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)  in Green Christian circles last summer – see link here

Last week (6 June) Bob Tatam below urged us contact our MEPs by 10 June when there should have been a vote about this. However the vote was postponed –

So it is even more important for us to keep the pressure on our MEPs and make them aware how awful it will be if TTIP is passed.

Can you add your voice to the European Citizens’ Initiative against TTIP now?

Robert Tatam last week wrote:

Since then UK campaigners, along with those from Europe and in the USA, have been involved in lobbying (early February in Brussels – the largest lobby of UK MEPs ever) and protesting (especially last October and April 2015).  Various European Parliament Committees debated TTIP and five of these rejected ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement, i.e. private courts in which investing multi-national companies can sue states if they feel a state action decreases their profits – which could cost the public purse ‘billions of pounds’).  However, the influential Trade Committee at the end of May agreed a (‘weak and unhelpful’) Resolution backing TTIP (including ISDS).  This vote flies in the face of European public opinion, with almost 2 million people signing the European Citizens’ Initiative opposing the secretive EU-US trade deal. This Resolution on TTIP (as a draft) is to be debated in the full Parliament on 10th June.  It is vital that as many people as possible contact their MEPs before this debate to convey the strength of opposition.  Please urge your MEP to argue for and vote for a Resolution on TTIP which includes (at the least):

  1.  All Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanisms to be taken out of TTIP.
  2. EU standards (including social standards and environmental regulations, such as labour rights, food safety rules (including restrictions on GMOs), regulations on the use of toxic chemicals, digital privacy laws) need to be respected and not lowered.
  3. Public services and public procurement (across all areas including education and health) should be excluded from TTIP.

Your MEP should be asked to vote against TTIP if the above cannot be categorically guaranteed.

For further information,


Robert Tatam



Date: 12 June, 2015 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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