Volunteer with technical expertise requested for GC website
We are looking for a volunteer to help in the technical area of running our website.
If the following interests you, please could you contact Judith Allinson (if before 20 March) or Poppy Pickard after 20 March
Since 1998, Green Christian https://www.greenchristian.org.uk/ (then known as Christian Ecology Link http://www.christian-ecology.org.uk/whatcel.htm ) has continuously maintained a website presence, the last update being about 12 months ago to make the website mobile friendly.
Green Christian has as its main aims:
- Letting loose hope
- Pioneering practical discipleship
- Equipping prophetic witness
- Empowering agents of change.
The website aims to reflect the activities of the organisation, promoting and reporting on our events, together with providing resources, and news of activities.
The website was started in 1998 by Judith Allinson who was joined by Poppy Pickard in 2011. Judith maintains the role of editor and day to day content and Poppy takes care of longer term content, mainly pages, website themes, and general design and updating with help from Emma and Louise. We are seeking a volunteer to work in the technical area as part of the team.
Technical Area
Backing up the website files and databases on a regular basis.
Using WordPress blogging software.
Adjusting themes to suit Green Christian’s needs, using css and html.
Organising the website structure through post categories and menus.
Integrating the website with current social media
Improving the design of our website to make it more engaging.
Please get in touch with us if you would like to:
- be part of a team promoting a radical Christian witness to culture and politics as they affect the environment
- help Green Christian fulfil our aims
- work with an enthusiastic team, learning from and supported by each other
- use previous relevant experience
- make the most of opportunities for developing the use of web content on social media.
E = Engage your audience. Get their attention with a dramatic fact or short statement.
P = State the problem. Present the causes of the problem you just introduced.
How widespread or serious is the problem?
I = Inform about the solutions to the problem.
Develop your solution by giving examples of how and where it has worked,
how it is proven and cost-effective and how it has benefited the poorest. You could cite a recent study or report or tell a first-person account of how the solution has impacted you or others you know.
C = Call to Action. Now that you’ve engaged your audience, presented the problem and informed them of a solution, you need to let them know what you want them to do about it.
If you are interested in volunteering for this post, please could you contact Judith Allinson (if before 20 March) or Poppy Pickard after 20 March
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