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Green Christian

Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times

The Green Christian Way of Life Community

Woodland path

Finding our path and walking gently together

Our next Way of Live Gathering:

Witnessing to Hope

(Re)discovering and maintaining a radical, creation-centred way of being

Our annual in-person Way of Life gathering was held on Saturday 27 January 2024 at St Aloysius Church Hall in London.

Here’s a video Introduction to the Green Christian Way of Life  with Deborah Tomkins from January 2021.

Many spiritual communities have Rules or Ways of Life involving a set of disciplines to assist believers in living out their faith in a deeper and more structured way.

The Green Christian Way of Life  is offered to Green Christian members for whom care for God’s creation in all its forms is a fundamental outworking of their faith. The Way of Life is a calling for deeper engagement and shared encouragement. Followers of the Way are called ‘Companions’.

If you would like to register as a ‘Companion’ or simply find out more please contact George Dow at

The Four Disciplines of the Way:

Daily prayer and devotions


Using the Green Christian monthly prayer diary with its daily pointers for prayer. See also the database of prayer resources.

Exploring the Way of Life: Prayer and Devotions with George Dow

Living gently on the earth

Woodland stream

Adopting the ideas in the leaflet ‘Nine Ways to live gently on the Earth’ as an integral element. Sharing and accounting for the use of our resources, eg following the LOAF principles for meals and engaging in the Joy in Enough challenge to current economic thinking.

Exploring the Way of Life: Living Gently on the Earth with George Dow

Public witness

Hands holding a globe

Committing to action for creation care, e.g. through active involvement in local or national projects or campaigns; giving out Green Christian leaflets; speaking out, whether to friends, at church, or in other public forums;  writing or speaking to MPs or organisations. All these and more are ways of public witness, particularly when there is some resistance.

Exploring the Way of Life: Public Witness with George Dow


Supporting fellow Companions by meeting in regionally-based pairs or larger groups.

Exploring the Way of Life: Encouragement with George Dow