Welcoming letter to MP
Green Christian member Philip Webb wrote this letter to his MP. He told us abut it and many of his friends.
Could you write to your MP?
For more ideas on how to write such a letter about Climate Change to your new or re-elected MP see Hope for the Future website – It is best to make up your own.
Greg Clark MP
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA 8 May 2015
Dear Greg
Congratulations on your re-election as MP for Tunbridge Wells! I and my friends look forward to working with you for the positive changes Britain needs over the next five years.
Of the many issues debated during the campaign, I believe you will agree that action on climate change should be one of our top priorities during the period of the next government. We are still a long way from meeting our legally-binding targets under the Climate Change Act to reduce our carbon emissions by 80% from 1990 levels by 2050.
Climate change is already having dramatic effects in developing countries and on the prospects of our own children and grandchildren. As the New Climate Economy Report makes clear (www.newclimateeconomy.report) action on climate change is integral to economic growth. The recent decision by 43 of the world’s leading CEOs to cut greenhouse gas emissions (www.medium.com/@ClimateCEOs) also makes this clear, as does the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s decision to divest from fossil fuels (www.rbf.org/content/divestment-statement)
Please use your influence in Government to take the action that scientists tell us is vital to protect ourselves and future generations from the effects of climate change. The joint declaration on Valentine’s Day by the three main party leaders was a useful start.
The UN Climate Summit in Paris this December will be crucial in reaching a global agreement on emissions. Please therefore pass this letter to the minister for climate change as a demonstration of our support for effective and substantial commitments to action on climate change at the Paris negotiations.
With every good wish,
Philip Webb
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