What are the UK churches doing about Rio+20?

What are UK churches doing about Rio+20?

Church agencies are actively promoting discussion around Rio+20: a public discussion at Westminster Central Hall; ‘Whose Earth?’ Events around the country; a Parish Action pack on the future we want; a booklet on the changes we need for a sustainable future, and a presence at the Earth Summit and preceding meetings.

 1. ‘The world we want to see: a Christian conversation on Rio +20.’

Ahead of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Progressio and Tearfund are organising a public discussion, considering the distinctive arguments and solutions offered by Christian perspectives to the vital topics for debate at Rio+20. The event will take place on Wednesday 23rd May in Central Hall Westminster,London SW1H 9NH (Tube:Westminster, St James) at 6.30pm.

The panel will include some of the most influential leaders in the field. The Secretary of State for the Environment, the Rt Hon. Caroline Spelman MP will provide the keynote address. There will also be contributions from Rt Rev the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells and Nanette Antequisa, a member of the Beyond 2015 Advisory Group from the Philippines. The event will be chaired by Richard Black, the BBC News Environment Correspondent.

The event will hear responses from panellists on four key questions, followed by an opportunity for questions from the audience. The four key questions that will be addressed are:

  • What is the world that they want to see? Is the green economy the answer?
  • What barriers need to be overcome and what progress must be made at Rio+20 to help achieve this vision?
  • How can the global economy be re-shaped to ensure greater equity and environmental sustainability?
  • What kind of measures would be helpful in driving the right kind of progress?

2. Whose Earth?

A Rocha and Tearfund are organising ‘Whose Earth?’ events around the Rio+20 summit this June. Contact billie.anderson@tearfund.org if you would like further information.

In 1992 the world’s biggest ever political gathering – the Rio Earth Summit – marked one of the first times that world leaders met to discuss the environment. Twenty years later, they’re meeting again for Rio+20 to see how well they’ve done – and how much more they need to do.

Come along to a Whose Earth? event this June to explore how we as Christians can live on God’s earth God’s way today. Expert speakers from Tearfund, A Rocha and New Frontiers will unpack the Bible basis, the science behind the issues and how we can all play a part in responding, especially as world leaders meet in Rio, Brazil for Rio+20 to discuss their response to these issues.

Visit www.tearfund.org/rio to find out more. If there’s not an event near you, check out Stop Climate Chaos’s website for other activities around Rio+20 – http://www.stopclimatechaos.org/rio-connection

3. Progessio has produced a pack and sent it to every Roman Catholic parish in the country. Each parish pack contains

  • a covering note
  • a ‘Parish Action Kit’ with notes, prayers and actions
  • 50 postcards inviting people to record ‘the future we want’ on them (the theme of Rio+20), and return them to Nick Clegg (leading the delegation) via Progressio
  • a poster to support it all.

There’s also a supporting video (well worth 2 minutes of your time) over at http://progressio.org.uk/futurewewant, and an online home for Progressio’sRio work at


For more information contact Daniel Hale, Progressio Campaigns Officer.

Daniel@progressio.org.uk  0207 326 2008   www.progressio.org.uk

4. CIDSE is an international alliance of Roman Catholic development agencies working together for global justice. They have produced a booklet called ‘The Changes we Need for the Future we Want’, CIDSE recommendations for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), 20-22 June 2012. You can download a copy here:






Date: 21 May, 2012 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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