Why are Christians joining together to pray at The Big One?
Have you ever prayed on the streets? The No faith in fossil Fuels Service and Pilgrimage in April gives you the opportunity to give it a go. We’ve had a think about why it might be a ‘Christian thing to do’. Please read on…
The No Faith in fossil Fuels gathering offers us the opportunity for prayer that internally resources us and is also an outfacing witness to our faith and an outpouring of our calling as advocates for God’s justice and righteousness.
We will lift our broken political institutions, systems and processes to God for transformation and at the same time acknowledge that what is asked of us is that we ourselves be agents of that change. Another way of looking at it might be that we are the means through which action happens both through our prayer and through our witness, and those who pray in this visible way are both agents of change and devotional beings.
We’re stirred by how civil rights movement in the US used public prayers as a way to seek justice and correct oppression. They used their prayer as protest, to address a political moment and to bring about seminal change. It feels to us as if now, like then, we are in kairos time and place. We are at a time of deep crisis and also opportunity for accomplishing divine purpose. We have this opportunity to be a prophetic voice – to offer the government a critique of injustice, whilst at the same time offering the public an alternate vision in which public policies uphold the common good. By inviting our communities to take part in an act of Christian witness protesting injustice at the location identified with the heart of the national political process, we invite them to actively participate in and experience the discomfort and the blessings of the long Biblical tradition of prophetic voice.
Another thought is that Jesus instructed us that we are “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world.” In participating in this mass protest, we bring our faithful communities into the space as salt, actively working as preservers and transformers in that secular space (and of that secular space), and as communities, even more than as individuals, we do so very visibly, giving light to everyone.
People ask this question, what would Jesus do? Wouldn’t the Jesus we come to know in the Gospels be there in an anxious crowd that hungers for justice, teaching, encouraging, loving, and leading? How can we then, be morally mute?
‘Jesus was not a whisperer. Scripture does not record him standing close to a disciple speaking in an ear, concerned that someone might hear him say something he did not want others to hear. He met people and spoke directly and frankly…he spoke only truth to others and to those in power (John 18:37) and calls those who call him Lord to follow in his steps.’ Samuel Logan Brengle
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Comments on "Why are Christians joining together to pray at The Big One?"
Ruth Jarman:
Yes! Totally agree, Rob! This is what we will be doing on the 21st!
Rob Owen:
It's the "Christian" West which is most guilty of causing - and continuing to cause - runaway overheating of the planet which for decades has been horrifically impacting those least guilty of causing it. We need to pray for forgiveness - and for energy and courage to keep stirring up the churches - as well as government.
Sue Anne Susan Olive:
Your post was a bit long. But interested.
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