With Every Creature Sing
(See Hymn Index for other green hymns on this website, available for use in church services)
Tune: Luckington (Let all the world in every corner sing)
Let all of us with every creature sing,
praise to our God!
Above us in the air
may we all be aware
of birds and bees in flight,
whether by day or night.
Sing with one voice to celebrate the life
of creatures all!
Let all of us with every creature sing,
praise to our God!
Across the tamed terrain
farmed now for stock and grain;
may woodland also thrive
and wildlife too survive.
Sing with one voice lest any be extinct,
protect them all!
Let all of us with every creature sing,
praise to our God!
Over the oceans wide
with rise and fall of tide
may all the plankton bloom
for fishes to consume.
Sing with one voice to celebrate the life
of creatures all!
Let all of us with every creature sing,
praise to our God!
There deep within the earth,
in darkness comes new birth,
beneath the tread of boots
among the worms and roots.
Sing with one voice lest any be extinct,
protect them all!
Let all of us with every creature sing,
praise to our God!
May we now play our part,
together taking heart;
remembering all God gave,
his creatures here to save.
Sing with one voice to celebrate the life
of creatures all!
Words: Lisle Ryder, written in 2019
This song remains the copyright of the author. The author has given permission for the words to to be photocopied or used in individual services and classrooms, provided she is credited. (and preferable credit this website too www.greenchristian.org.uk )
She would be pleased to hear where it is being used . Email Lisle Ryder
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