Welcome to the Arts page!
Art and poetry are powerful ways to access and express emotions which can feel inexpressible, particularly when considering such enormous issues as the climate and ecological crises. Many people are struggling with emotions ranging from despair to hope, anger to love, grief to regret, and many others. In Green Christian we feel an Arts section on our website to be a powerful and helpful platform, both for the artists/poets and the recipients, as people share their feelings in the form of their own paintings, drawings and poetry.
Submissions are invited from Green Christian members on the theme of personal, emotional and spiritual reaction to the climate, environment, pollution and extinction crisis. By Art we mean photos of painting, collage, fabric art, multimedia art and similar creative expressions. By Poetry we mean all forms of poetry; structured or free, rhymed or blank verse. Content and quality are important, but so is truth and honesty of expression.
We are looking for art and poetry that speaks to grief, lamentation, creativity, joy and hope, rather than just descriptions of the state of the earth. Please email submissions to
All submissions should be your own, original work and you should hold all rights. Copyright remains with the artist or writer. The exception to this is if GC commissions an artwork or piece of writing, in which case the copyright would be with Green Christian. If artists use ‘found’ images in their works of art, they should obtain permission from the copyright holder in order to use them. This applies even if they use only a small part of an image or alter or manipulate it in some way.
Poetry submissions should be in Word format and be single poems not exceeding 50 lines. Photographs of art submissions should in jpeg format. Please include your name, contact details and – if you wish – a short, third person bio of no more than one hundred words which can accompany your submission on the web page.
Only one submission of poetry and/ or one artwork may be submitted each month.
Our intention is to share rather than judge. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to decide which work will go onto the website and please note that all work should comply with the theme set by Green Christian and described above.
The Arts Convener will acknowledge receipt of submissions within 2 weeks. While we invite lots of submissions, inevitably some poems and artwork may not be accepted, mainly due to not meeting the above criteria. We look forward to receiving your creative output!’
NOTE TO VIEWERS RE COPYRIGHT – Should you wish to share or copy any the poems or art work (or any part thereof), please contact and we will ask the author / artist for permission. If granted, then ‘© author / artist’s name and year’ must always be shown.