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Green Christian

Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times

Join Green Christian

Circle at Noddfa

By becoming a member you will be supporting our work, receiving publications which you can use in your church, and have the opportunity to share ideas in “CELINK” Green Christian Members’ Email discussion group. Scroll down to ‘What you will get as a member’, for more details.

Please email us to let us know if you would prefer to receive your publications by email.

Join online

To join by setting up a direct debit online, click the “Donate” button below and select “I’d like to give regularly“.

Recommended membership amounts:

Join by Standing Order

To join by Standing Order please set up a regular donation that gives us at least £30 a year for individuals, £50 for family and £60 a year for church membership. You can do this by contacting your bank and giving them our BACS details where you will find our Gift Aid form. Please also fill in and send us the gift aid form if you can (a digital signature is fine).

Very important – please also email us to let us know you have joined as a member, including your name, address and phone number so we know where to send your magazine.

One-off  Donations are always welcome. Click the “Donate” button below and select “Just one donation“. Please email us if you are donating for leaflets or would like your gift to be directed to a particular appeal.

You can also donate to us directly from your bank. To do this, please contact your bank and give them our BACS details. Please also fill in and send us the gift aid form if you can (a digital signature is fine).

Thank you for giving to Green Christian!

We depend on our members’ subscriptions and donations to finance Green Christian’s publications and activities.

Who we are and what we do

We are a community of ordinary Christians from all backgrounds and traditions who seek to:

We walk alongside those of faith and no faith and we invite you to join us

Join or Donate by post

If you cannot join online, it is also possible to join Green Christian by cheque or standing order.

Please download and complete the postal membership form. It is best for us if you pay by standing order which is also a little cheaper for you. This form also allows you to choose Life Membership for £350, or £450 for joint membership.
Please post the form to: Green Christian Membership Secretary, Flat 1, 31 St James Terrace, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6HS

Ordinand Free Membership

For a limited period GC is offering two year free electronic membership to ordinands and ministers in training.

For all membership enquiries please contact our membership secretary,

What you will get as a member

All members of Green Christian receive:

Want to go deeper?

We have a Way of Life Community for those Green Christian members who feel called to a more disciplined and deeper engagement and to shared encouragement in their faith journeys by being a part of a community (with a Rule/Way of life). You can register as a Companion of Green Christian Way of Life Community by getting in touch with at any time. There is no further subscription.