CEL 100 Churches Rainforest Fund

glade in tropical forest

CEL Rainforest Fund – 100 Churches

CEL is seeking 100 churches to raise £100 each
for habitat conservation projects   –    Could your church help?

  1. The need to save habitats
  2. Why your church should take part
  3. Which habitats?
  4. Posters/flyers to print to help you in your church
  5. Which churches have taken part so far – is yours here?
  6. More details

1.The need to save habitats

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1/4 of the world’s mammals and 
1/5 of the plants
 are under threat of extinction

Humans – have caused more environmental degradation –
in the past 60 years –
than in all previous human history put together-
i.e. in OUR lifetime.

Is that fair on future generations?

Spending £1 to save rainforest from being destroyed can prevent 330kg carbon dioxide being produced that’s one third of a ton – a better return on £1 for preventing climate change than any other way

Species extinction rates are now 1000 times as great as the natural rate due to habitat loss

If the above facts aren’t enough, watch this 5 min video, prepared for 2011 UN Year of Forests to get more useful facts and quotes

2. Why your church might like to take part

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Could your church have a fund raising event?

  • to save habitat –
  • or species ?

Please tell Christian Ecology Link. We will celebrate the fact by

  • putting a link to you from the website

We want to show the world that Christians care about the gifts God has given us – and care that future generations should enjoy them too.

Genesis 1 – God saw that is was good. This is God’s world we live in, his gift to us. We owe it to him and to future generations to look after it.

Proverbs 31. 8 – Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves:-
The trees and the endangered animals cannot speak.
The indigenous tribes and poor farmers who are thrown off their land by rich plantation farmers have difficulty being heard.
Future generations who would like to see orang utans, tigers, whales and other endangered species cannot speak

Philippians 4 v.8 – Whatsoever is good – think on this –
The beauty variety and intrinsic worth of species of forest, sea, tundra and swamp is vast. .. as vast – or significantly more vast – perhaps as some of the material things we have to raise money for in our church buildings.

There may be opportunity to invite conservationists and wildlife amateurs or experts to you church who are not members of your church – and new friendships and opportunities can ensue.

3. Rainforest  or other habitats?

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We are trying to protect Habitats of Biodiversity Importance, not just Rainforests.  However “Rainforest” is a more succinct, colourful and emotive word than the phrase “Habitats of Biodiversity Importance” , so this word was chosen for the title of the project

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about the project

More details:- Phone             01729 822138

CEL can suggest projects to support.  We recommend:- World Land Trust, Cool Earth and A Rocha Ghana.

If you support a church abroad, why not ask them about conservation projects near them, thus increasing both their and your awareness. Contact               01729 822138        webeditor@christian-ecology.org.uk

“Whatsoever is good” – Philippians 4 v.8

Spending £1 to save rainforest from being destroyed can prevent 330kg carbon dioxide being produced that’s one third of a ton – a better return on £1 for preventing climate change than any other way

Species extinction rates are now 1000 times as great as the natural rate due to habitat loss


4. Resources- Posters – other pages on CEL website

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100 churches project – Posters (doc files) to download and put in your church – choose which is suitable for your occasion – whether to print as A5 handouts, or to blow up into a huge poster.

flyer-poster    cut off slip

FAQ     Picture posterdoc file – poster/flyer.Species extinctions – quotable facts & review of Fr Sean McDonagh’s bookweb pageSpecies extinctions – facts & review of Sean McDonagh’s bookdoc file- leafletBiodiversity – CEL’s Biodiversity Leafletpdf file – leafletChurch and Conservationweb page


Recommended Video: Stations of the Forests – on Youtube. Use this in your church or workplace. High res DVD at UK Columbans+ work book – download booklet

5. Churches which have raised over £100:

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1Jan 2008-presSt John’s Methodist Church, SettleVarious. Coffee Mornings; CardsN Yorks
2Jan 2011Churches Together in Settle and District –Barn DanceN Yorks
3Summer 2011Eco-group at Clun Methodist ChurchWeekendShropshire
4Dec 2011Hartley WintneyChristmas Card TreeHamps
5Mar 2012Hutton RudbySaving Habitats Quiz SheetN Yorks
6June 2012St Edmunds Church, Roundhay, Leeds raises £600 for Ecuador Open Garden event with strawberry teaN Yorks
7August 2012St Ives Free Church, St Ives is aiming to raise over “£100 during the month of August – simply by asking each member fo the congregation to contribute £1 during August .. (by 21st August they have raised £98)Cambs


6. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about the project

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Date: 27 April, 2012 | Category: Uncategorized |Topics: | Comments: 0

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