Green Christian Campaigns and Activities
Green Christian supports various campaigns at different times. Some of these are our own campaigns. The current campaigns are:
- Green Christian Online Workshops
- Our Green Economics Project – Joy in Enough
- Deep Waters: A project of Borrowed Time
- Borrowed Time – Building Pastoral Care in the Climate Emergency
- Rainforest Fund Project – Raising money to save endangered habitat:- Christians care
- LOAF – our food campaign
- Get involved – our page of ideas of what to do
- Green Christian on the Road – let us come to you!
- Respond to the Climate and Creation Emergency – go to this web area for the latest campaigns
- Operation Noah – started by Green Christian, this is the place to go for campaigning on church investments and land use.
Joy in Enough
The age of growth economics is over. If we try and carry on, our legacy to the next generation will be a ruined planet, inescapable debt and brutal inequality. There is an alternative. Joy in Enough
Green Christian invites people to join in the journey.
Borrowed Time
This is a hard time to hope. It is hard to know what hope is any more. If you are grieving and fearful for the future of the Earth, you are not alone. Journey with others through climate grief with Green Christian. We are building networks for regenerative pastoral care and moral adaptation in the shadow of extinction. Together we can help humanity set itself free to take action of unprecedented courage. Visit the Borrowed Time website to find out more.
Rainforest fund
Our Rainforest Fund is looking for one hundred churches to each raise £100 to save habitats and species. Find out more about this campaign
Our food campaign, Use your LOAF! encourages people to use foods which are Local, Organic, Animal friendly and Fairly traded. There are many resources to support this campaign on our LOAF page.
Green Christian on the Road
Green Christian on the Road Together
Operation Noah
On climate change we also work with our sister organisation Operation Noah which was started by Green Christian and pushes for UK churches to divest from and invest in climate solutions.