Green Christian Magazine, Winter 2009, Issue 68
Back to latest Green Christian Magazine.
Consider the Lilies
- Editorial: Living from an Attitude of Gratitude by Laura Deacon
- Churches in Transition – A new campaign by George Dow
- ecocell by Tony Emerson
- Community in CEL by Paul Bodenham
- God, Monsters, and the Promise of Life by Jeremy Williams
- Getting up in the morning and doing the right thing for the day by Stewart Hemsley
- Weaving our Way by Iris Murdoch
- The Cosmic Jordan by Edward P. Echlin
- Finding the still point… by Paul Bodenham
- Consider the Lilies of the Field by Mary Grey
- Planetary Pentecost by Mark Rotherham
- IT and Eco-ethics (Part 2) by Roger Shorter
- Resource Reviews:
- Prophets of Nature: Green Spirituality in Romantic Poetry and Painting by George Strachan
- The Earth is the Lord’s: A Biblical Response to Environmental Issues by Hilary Marlow
- 2010 Lent Course: Love for the Future
- Through Wood: Prayers and Poems reconnecting with the forest by Alison Swinfen
- Eco-Justice and Ecological Debt The World Council of Churches Statement 2009-10-28
Next: Green Christian Magazine, Summer 2010, Issue 69
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