Outdoor Services
Judith Allinson of Settle writes:
I do like outdoor services – a chance to link to the natural world and the infinite..
Today many churches in UK had a Palm Sunday procession and I was pleased to land up on Ripon Market Place as Ripon Churches Together set off. The sun shone, the birds twittered, and the choir sang, the congregations followed and a donkey called Lily led the procession.
Different denominations peeled off en route to attend their own churches. I went to the Methodist Church – It was Cafe Service, so we sat round tables with coffee and cakes. Here two teenage girls acted the part of newsreaders whilst we saw events on the screen showing Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem – peacefully on a donkey – and later scenes as he upturned the moneychangers tables in the temple. We were invited to discuss in our tables how we would have felt and reacted to events – as disciples, or as Mary, or as the Pharisees, according to which table we sat on.
It made me think of so many demonstrations and peaceful (or not) protests that have taken place in different parts of the world in recent years.
There will be Passion Plays/ good Friday walks this Friday 14th April. Click here for a Map showing where many are taking place. Settle will be having its 10th Passion Play.
Some churches have dawn or early morning services on Easter Sunday (16 April). I remember in Settle in 2008 when it had snowed overnight – Easter is late this year so we should be OK.
Rogation Sunday -this year 22 May – Is an opportunity to organise an outdoor event. We pray for the crops that will grow in the year.
Maybe a small group can organise a prayer walk outside at any time. This Tuesday some members of Green Christian and others are having a short prayer/eco walk starting from Baildon Methodist Church
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