The Earth is the Lord’s

Tune: The Lord of the Dance

1.The earth is the Lord’s unite in awesome praise
To God whose truth by his gift to us displays
Accounting-steward we are called to be
Sharing divine creativity


ChorusCome then, and bless the earth we share,
Let every moment be a prayer,
Blending our wills to the rhythm of His ways,
Joining our lives to all nature’s praise.


2.The earth is the Lord’s let season’s bring
Shades and patterns as an offering,
The hope of each morning and the blessing of night,
Rising sun, and the colours of light.


3.The earth is the Lord’s we cannot comprehend
How it all began, or how it all will end,
But the gift of this moment is our present delight,
Sight sound, touch ,smell, all unite.


4.The earth is the Lord’s so handle with care
The river’s flow and the sparkle in the air,
Pray the world order that may come to be
Respect for creation and humanity.


5.The earth is the Lord’s, sing Christian and Jew,
Sacred the earth for Muslim, Sikh, Hindu.
Reverence for life is the Buddhist way,
Violence none, in all we do and say.


6.The earth is the Lord’s share bread and wine
Broken and poured is the sacramental sign
Of the Kingdom within and the world out there
Given in trust for all to share.



Gerald H Gardiner, Oadby, Leicester , UK

The faith has always been received and interpreted. Here’s a hymn touching on
harvest, delight in creation, and our present multi-faith society, set to
perhaps the most successful of ‘modern/singable’ hymns for all age groups.

This song remains the copyright of the author Gerald Gardiner. The author ( ) and publishers (Christian Ecology Link) have given permission for the words to to be photocopied or used in individual services and classrooms, provided both are credited.



Date: 27 October, 2011 | Category: Hymns | Comments: 0

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