Where is Away? Article on Recycling (March 2011)

(Please modify this article for your own locality)

In creation there is no waste. All waste products are used for something else, as food or to enrich the soil for other organisms. For God’s beautiful earth to continue to be beautiful we need to learn from the way it does things.

Next time you go to throw something away, ask yourself where is this place called “away”, and can you dispose of it anymore responsibly?

Here’s where you can recycle things in Hartley Wintney:

Doorstep recycling:

« Glass – green rectangular boxes

« Plastic bottles, cans, tins, empty aerosol cans (but not oven cleaner, insecticides etc. with black cross on orange background) card, paper, newspapers, magazines – blue bins

« Green waste – call council at 01252 622122 for a green waste bag which will be collected from your doorstep every fortnight for £35 per year.

Other recycling:

« Clothes, shoes, books, CDs, DVDs – take to The Odiham Cottage Hospital Shop or to the bins in the village car park

« Spectacles – there will be a Vision Aid Overseas box at the back of St. John’s church every third Sunday of the month

« Batteries – Victoria Hall foyer

« Garden and uncooked kitchen waste can also to composted for your own garden. Get a composter delivered to your door for £19 by going to www.hart.gov.uk or phoning 0844 571 4444.

Do remember that even recycling needs energy and a market for the recycled product. Complete the circle by trying to buy second-hand and recycled products whenever you can. Or, even better, make do with what you have!

Ruth Jarman



Author: | Date: 15 November, 2011 | Category: Church Magazine | Comments: 0

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