A Prayer for the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels

From 15-17 Sept, millions of people around the world will take to the streets. As world leaders meet in New York for a climate summit, the global climate justice movement is getting onto the streets to demand a rapid, just, and equitable end to fossil fuels. 

See if there is an event near you

Green Christian member, Revd Jon Swales, has written a prayer for this weekend. Please pray it in your homes, churches or on the streets.

A Prayer for the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels

Father of Creation,
God of Justice,
As we face the reality of climate breakdown,
The earth groans,
Our hearts ache,
Lord have mercy.

We are called to love,
We will not go quietly into the night.

We are called to love,
We will not go down without a fight

To love is to fight,
And so we fight,
Not against flesh and blood,
But against the powers and principalities,
Against the beastly forces hell bent on taking us over the edge.

To love is to fight,
And so we fight,
For the worlds most vulnerable,
And future generations,
For justice, and beauty and goodness

Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
Our lives are entangled and entwined
with the poison of our own destruction
Forgive our foolish ways.

We opened the door to fossil fuel capitalism,
And it has overwhelmed us.
Forgive our foolish ways

We are called to love,
We will not go quietly into the night.

We are called to love,
We will not go down without a fight.

And so with peaceable anger,
And hearts full of love,
We intend to fight,
And raise our global voices,
to picket , petition and protest.
We will resist the beast.

And so with holy rage,
And compassionate action,
We intend to fight,
And raise our prophetic voice,
And speak truth to power,
We will resist the beast.

And as we move,
and love,
and fight,
We pray.

For the worlds most vulnerable,
Lord have mercy.

For the end of fossil fuels
Christ have mercy

For a fast and fair transition.
Lord have mercy

For politics and policies that stand for justice.
Christ have mercy.

Father of Creation,
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
As we face the reality of climate breakdown,
Embrace us in your love,
Embrace us in your Spirit.




Date: 8 September, 2023 | Category: Prayers | Comments: 0

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