Ask your General Synod members to support the Bristol amendment on climate

On Wednesday 12 February, the General Synod will be debating GS 2159 – Climate Emergency and Carbon Reduction Target, which proposes a net zero carbon date for the Church of England of 2045.
Green Christian member, Geoff Stratford, has written a paper in support of the Bristol Diocese amendment to motion 2159, which is calling for an earlier net zero date of 2030.
Geoff says, ‘I recognise the concern referred to in the paper for GS 2159 about “setting ourselves up to fail” by having “unachievable” targets. I’ve tried to address that in my paper. I’ve also tried to offer a number of additional reasons for supporting 2030 rather than 2045. In the paper I have referenced the GS 2159 papers (the content of which I think is great), the Pre-Lambeth briefing from ACEN, and our recent “Moana: Water of Life” conference. That conference was flagged by Archbishop Welby as being significant in the lead up to Lambeth 2020. It heard input from eminent scientists whose evidence points unequivocally to a 2030 not 2045 target.’
People are welcome to use Geoff’s paper, or any information from it, to write to their own General Synod members asking them to support the 2030 target.
You may find contact details for your Synod members on your Diocese Website, or by using a search engine. Or email us.
Next: Pray and Protest for the Climate this Lent
Previous: Vigil at General Synod
Comments on "Ask your General Synod members to support the Bristol amendment on climate"
Paul strickland:
Here's the Thought for today, Feb 12th. Thanks Stephanie!
Stephanie Boucher:
Good to hear this morning's Thought for the Day on this subject.
Helene Roe:
2045 is too late. We need to be setting an example to the rest of the country, dragging them along with us kicking and screaming. Please support the amendment. Thank you.
Helen Holford:
Please reduce the timescale to a carbon-neutral church. Individuals can only do so much - we need systemic change within large organisations and the church should lead by example. Thank you.
Angela Forbes:
Please support this amendment. We need much more urgent action
Peter Wright:
Surely if God made the world, and everything in it, and left us as stewards, he's going to be pretty annoyed (politely put) when he returns to find the mess we've made. The church is His representative body here on earth, so what are you lot doing holding prolonged debates - get on with making the changes that are essential, and stop trying to please all the profit making businesses that you unwisely support - over turn the tables NOW
Maggie Lippiett:
We are not approaching a Climate Crisis, we are there already! 2045 is far too late - we need to target 2030 at the latest
Maggie Lippiett:
We are not approaching a Climate Crisis, we are there already! We need urgently to address this now and not later. 2045 is far too late - we need to target 2030 at the latest
Christine Pilgrim:
2045 is totally unrealistic. How much more evidence is needed for goodness sake. Come on Synod PLEASE!
Kay Edwards:
Please support the amendment 2045 is way too late.
Faith Airey:
This 2045 date is outrageous when other organisations can do so much better. Get with it synod!
Sekeeta Crowley:
The climate emergency is real and demands immediate action as supported by Geoff Stratford in GS2159. 2045 will be too late to become Zeto net carbon.
James Critchley:
Dear C of E , What has happened to the 42% reduction promised (by 2020) under the auspices of Shrinking the Footprint!? In addition what of all your investments in fossil fuels ? If you are serious about climate change then these issues should surely be dealt with ASAP? I look forward to your reply with much interest. Kind regards, James
Peter Jason Taylor:
I spent my 40-year working life as a meteorologist, forecasting mainly for the RAF and civil aviation, finally as UK Met Office Chief Forecaster for Defence. I therefore know quite a lot about atmospheric processes, and have understood the global warming threat since 1980. Since then mankind's fossil fuel emissions have continued to rise as before, except for a brief pause from the Great Recession, and despite recent successful efforts to develop renewable energy. 2045 is far too late to become carbon-neutral. Over 90% of man-made CO2 greenhouse gas emissions since the industrial revolution has sunk into the oceans, which are becoming saturated with them. Because warmer water can hold less dissolved gases than cooler water, unabated warming of the oceans would transform them into net sources of CO2 rather than sinks, a process known as "positive feedback". Prehistoric warming events (triggered by calculable changes in the earth's solar orbit or angle of inclination) each continued for almost a millennium before reaching a new equilibrium. Another consequence would be continually rising sea levels, mainly due to thermal expansion of the water, augmented by melting freshwater from landmasses, rendering low-lying islands and coastal cities uninhabitable. God (or "nature" for atheists) has made us custodians of the planet, which we are well on the way to wrecking through plundering and pollution.
General Synod climate debate this Wed 12 Feb:
[…] may like to read a paper from Lincoln Diocese that Green Christian has published in support of the Bristol […]
Revd Alasdair Kay:
Please support this amendment
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