Come to our Way of Life Gathering!

Witnessing to Hope
(Re)discovering and maintaining a radical, creation-centred way of being
Saturday 27 January 2024. 11am to 4.30pm (Tea & coffee from 10.30am)
St Aloysius Church Hall, 20 Phoenix Road, London NW1 1TA (near Euston station).
This Way of Life gathering is open to all Green Christian members who are interested in following our Green Christian Way of Life.
GC members who are not currently Companions can find out more about how the Way of Life may provide a structured pathway and shared encouragement in our faith journeys.
We will be exploring what Active Hope may mean for our four Way of Life disciplines with questions such as:
- Prayer – What is God calling us to do in these post-COP times?
- Living Gently – What does this mean for you now?
- Public Witness – Is it now time to change how we witness?
- Encouragement – How can we keep going, as individuals and collectively?
and including sessions on reflection, prayer, poetry, art and music
The Green Christian Way of Life is offered to GC members for whom care for God’s creation in all its forms is a fundamental outworking of their faith. It is a calling for deeper engagement and shared encouragement.
More information at
Cost free – but donations on the day welcome.
To book a place please e-mail
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