A reflective weekend with Green Christian

Being the Still Centre on the Radical Edge

27-29 September 2024

Green Christian invites you to a reflective weekend of prayer, reflection and worship. There will be talks and discussions, and also a chance to explore the surrounding sea marshes and the ancient Saxon chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, Bradwell.

Our aim will be to deepen our sense that in our Christian pilgrimage of creation care, activism needs stillness. Thanks to our speakers Bishop Laurie Green, Revd Helen Burnett and Revd Vanessa Elston, we are developing a nourishing programme of input, reflection, creativity, and refreshment for busy souls. But the weekend also promises a lasting legacy of encouragement, and renewed insight into who God is calling you to be for this age of ecological emergency. Juliana Morillo from Colombia will join us remotely on Friday evening.

This weekend together is an exciting new venture, a “hybrid” event, either in person at the Othona Community in Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex, or online to allow widest access. As well as single and shared bedrooms and yurts there are camping facilities. There are also private bed and breakfast facilities in the village. Food will be provided, but guests are requested where possible to bring their own bed and bath linen. 


Residential costs for the weekend are

  • £190 per person, full board
  • £162 per person, full board for those choosing to camp
  • £136 per person for non-residents with lunch and evening meals taken at Othona.

If joining online, the charge for individuals will be £20 for the weekend, or £50 for a group. We encourage those joining online to make a group booking with others and thus meet together over the weekend in a “local hub”, perhaps in someone’s home or in a local church, sharing not only the online talks and reflections, but also meals, prayer, and perhaps a group activity. A wonderful way to get to know each other better. Green Christian will provide guidance and suggestions on how best to manage this time together. 


Friday Evening

Juliana Morillo has a background in Chemistry, Environmental Management and Disaster & Risk Mitigation. She has worked for government and non-government sectors, including World Vision, across South America. She lives in Colombia, where she’s involved in environmental training with churches. She is also Latin American coordinator for the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network.

Saturday and Sunday

Bishop Laurie Green was born in the East End of London, and is a former Bishop of Bradwell. He has strong interests in urban ministry and Liberation Theology, and is the author of “Let’s Do Theology”.

Revd Helen Burnett is a part-time Parish Priest in the Diocese of Southwark. Her parish ministry is complemented by a strong vocation to witness and action within the climate movement.

Revd Vanessa Elston is a pioneer priest in Southwark Diocese. She is exploring the journey of spiritual transformation (metanoia) we are called into alongside rethinking how we communicate the Christian faith in a time of climate, ecological and social breakdown. 

Please book your place using this form

For more information please contact catturner@greenchristian.org.uk



Date: 15 April, 2024 | Category: Green Christian Events | Comments: 0

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