Climate Café – Heatwave: what just happened?

Two events with Borrowed Time to reflect on the national heat emergency of July 2022, both at 7.00 pm on Zoom.

Sunday 24 July:  A Climate Café offering space to meet with others, and take turns expressing how climate and ecological breakdown makes you feel.

Thursday 28 July: A workshop to explore the challenges to pastoral care, ministry and mission from the unfolding reality of the climate emergency, and how churches should respond.

We will end each session by sharing with you some forthcoming opportunities to continue conversations with Borrowed Time, followed by a closing liturgy.

Each of us will have our own responses to the heatwave.  If you have been troubled by the experience, you are most welcome to join either or both of these online gatherings, to explore its implications for ourselves and our communities.

Sunday 24 July:  Climate Cafés are informal, inclusive spaces where everyone is welcome to join the conversation and get involved.  This one is offered by Green Christian’s Borrowed Time programme.  It provides an opportunity to share our responses to the heatwave and the wider climate crisis – a thinking and feeling space.  We will spend most of the time in small group conversations.  We will be using a format developed by the Climate Psychology Alliance described on this webpage.  We will spend most of the time in small group conversations.  Come as you are, and share what you need to.  

Thursday 28 July:  In the second session we will explore together how churches can help local communities and society at large navigate the destabilisation which climate change is set to bring.  The July 2022 heatwave was just one symptom of a reality to which people are increasingly waking up.  How well prepared are our churches, our training in pastoral care, our ideas of mission?

We take it as read that churches should lead the effort to wean society off fossil fuels, but the heatwave demonstrates that we must now also face the consequences of inaction.  For Borrowed Time we would value your thoughts about how the churches should adapt and respond in pastoral care and mission to the impacts of climate change, locally, nationally and globally.

A Zoom link will be sent to you at around 6.45 p.m. on the relevant evening, if not before.



Author: Ruth Jarman | Date: 18 July, 2022 | Category: Borrowed Time Climate Emergency GC Events | Comments: 1

Comments on "Climate Café – Heatwave: what just happened?"

Alan Ramage:

July 27, 2022

All the more imperative to use Bank.Green to check if your bank is investing in fossil fuel projects. If it is, make the switch to a bank that isn’t, otherwise you are like the EU imposing sanctions on Russia and condemning its actions but filling its coffers.

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