Pray for Climate and Creation

Photo by Claudia van Zyl on Unsplash

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

It is hard to imagine the world leaders coming up with a agreements at future COPs that preserves the abundance of Creation. That is why we need to pray, and in the words of Walter Wink, “pray an alternative future into being.”

Our Prayer Guide

Join us in prayer from wherever you are by using our monthly prayer guide for the care of Creation.

Why not subscribe to receive this guide, either every month or daily in your email inbox?

Lament & Hope: 40 prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency

Revd Jon Swales from Leeds has been writing prayers from the heart on the Climate and Ecological Emergency for several years.

Talking about Jon’s prayers, Andrew Norman co-chaplain of Green Christian, says,

If we love the natural world, of which we are part, it must hurt when we face what is happening to this earth. Can we keep the flame of hope alight, that all will not be lost, and that a new balance will eventually be secured? Surely it takes faith to hold love and hope together? This is what Jon Swales can help us to do with his valuable anthology of prayers for the climate and ecological emergency. To pray in this world is to be open to God’s gifts of faith, hope and love – despite everything.    

And the pdf of the prayers are downloadable here:

Daily Prayer in a Climate Emergency

Green Christian trustee, Andii Bowsher, has created a beautiful set of liturgies to help us pray at this time. Do peruse the pages of his Book of Our Common Prayer or go straight to one of the following:

Christian Climate Action Zoom morning prayer

Christian Climate Action hold morning prayer every day at 9am. They pray and reflect for 30 mins and then have an optional 30min ‘check-in’ till 10am.

Pray and Fast for the Climate

Pray and Fast for the Climate are movement of Christians praying and fasting on the 1st of each month for climate justice.

Living Faithfully in the Time of Creation

Book Review by Andii Bowsher

For celebrating Creationtide mindfully in an age of environmental emergency, a resource from the Iona Community’s Common Concern Network on the Environment.

Reflections, essays, hymns, songs and liturgical resources from more than twenty writers around the world, covering the twelve weeks from September, through the United Nations COP conference … and future years.

Lamentation Prayers

For all that is lost

Also see Jon Swales’ COP27 – a Lament above.

The Green Tau

Green Christian member, Judith Russenberger, has a website for ‘Living Sustainably; Protecting the Earth; Loving God’. She regularly updates the prayer section.

Show the Love Prayers

Prayers written by Green Christian members

Climate Intercessors are a global network of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis. They pray monthly on Zoom – it is currently every second Tuesday at 1pm and 8pm GMT.



Date: 30 May, 2021 | Category: Prayers | Comments: 4

Comments on "Pray for Climate and Creation"

Ruth Jarman:

October 13, 2023

Hi Dave, yes, anyone can register for the live Zoom prayer sessions here: sessions will be recorded and up on our website each day for those who wish to join with the prayers but cannot make 8am.

Dave Gregory:

October 12, 2023

Hi I was at the EIN meeting a few weeks ago, and it was mentioned that Green Christian would be sending our short meditations on the theme of COP28. Can you let me know more details. I'd like to put them on the BUEN (Baptist Union Environment Network) social media feeds. Thanks Dave Gregory (Convenor, BUEN)


February 22, 2023

Daniele, please tell us more. Some churches advocate good practices of land and agriculture. Is that the kind of thing you had in mind? Do you have a helpful explainer-page about sabbatical management of land in the way you mention?


July 29, 2021

Olá, queria saber se as igrejas também pedem que a terra tenha seu dia de descanso semanal?From Google Translate, Portuguese to English;Hi, I wonder if the churches also ask for the land to have its weekly rest day?

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