We dare to hope
Hope – what a great theme for Easter! Indeed, a great theme for LIFE, yours and mine, the life of all God’s creation.
Today I urge you to read Mary Andrews’ poem, Metamorphosis in the poetry section of the Arts page. And then listen to it on the link. Then share it and use it joyfully.
Next, make your artistic response by creating art in music, media and words. Dare to create! Dare to hope!
This poem is active hope gifted by God’s grace, a positive act of creation in the midst of destruction.
I shall read and play this poem at dawn on Easter Sunday, outside in the churchyard at St Mary the Virgin, Eling overlooking the Solent. It will be part of a short service of thanksgiving and praise. Few will attend; indeed, I may be alone at that 6.00.a.m sunrise, but the message of hope will sound out over the water, over Southampton and into the world.
Happy Easter!

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