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Green Christian

Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times

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Ordinary Christians, Extraordinary Times

We are responsible for our impact on God’s creation as a whole. Green Christian helps members to understand and relate these responsibilities to their faith. Members can then encourage others in their local church to think seriously about these issues. Green Christian was formed in 1981, and formally constituted in 1982 and supports Christians from all backgrounds and traditions.

Green Christian Admin Officer:
tel: +44 (0) 345 459 8460
Correspondence Address:
10 Kiln Gardens, Hartley Wintney, Hampshire RG27 8RG

Green Christian is a registered trading name of Christian Ecology Link.
Company Registration No. 2445198
Registered Charity No. 328744.

Green Christian – Aims

Read our Annual Report

Operation Noah (encouraging a Christian response to climate change). Green Christian did much of the work in setting up Operation Noah on behalf of CTBI. Operation Noah is now a separate organisation.

For all membership enquiries please contact our membership secretary, Richard Kierton.
How to join Green Christian 
We welcome new members.

Green Christian is entirely dependent on Membership subscriptions and donations.
Each year Green Christian has to submit Financial Accounts, Independent Examiner’s Statement and a Report from the Trustees for the past year to the Charity Commission and to Companies House.

Report from the Trustees, Accounts & Independent Examiners Statement (2017)
Report from the Trustees, Accounts & Independent Examiners Statement (2016)
Report from the Trustees (2015), Accounts & Independent Examiners Statement (2015)
Report from the Trustees (2014), Accounts & Independent Examiners Statement (2014)

Green Christian welcomes donations towards the cost of office work, organising meetings, the website and especially towards the cost of publication of materials, leaflets and postage for use at events, schools etc. 
Please consider donating online

Local Groups
In some parts of Britain there are local Green Christian groups. To find out if there is one near you, visit our local groups page or get in touch with our Local Groups Contact (see below)

Green Christian Officers 
GC Chairman in 2017-18 is Paul Bodenham

The Admin Officer is Ruth Jarman, to whom most email questions should be sent.

Membership Secretary: Richard Kierton.

Local Groups Contact: Isobel Murdoch, tel 01790 763603

Editorial Team, Green Christian Magazine: Clare Redfern (Commissioning Editor), Simon Court (Editorial Team Convenor), Suzy Brecknell (Production Editor).

Website Team: Judith Allinson (Web Editor), Poppy Pickard (Web Designer), Louise Cook, Emma King, Diana Nefiodow & Chris Warwick (Website Assistants).

At present the vast majority of the work in Green Christian is carried out unpaid. Green Christian has 11 trustees who meet at least three times a year, and have three telephone conference calls between meetings. Our AGM is usually in November.  Some members help on a regular basis with membership, distribution of resources, proof reading, website and prayer diary.  Other members contribute by helping produce material for topic leaflets; by organising events; by taking Green Christian display posters and leaflets to local events and national events such as Greenbelt; and in many other ways. We always welcome offers of help.

Since our visioning weekend in February 2017 and officially since January 2018, the structure of Green Christian has changed and is being developed by five different groups: The Formation/Way of Life Group, the Participation Group, the Administrative Group, the Media Groupand the Joy in Enough Co-ordination Group. These are very much at the embryo stage and we hope will birth Green Christian into a new and more relevant stage.

People (apart from Paul, the chair) are in reverse alphabetical order:-

Paul Bodenham (Chair of Trustees)
Paul lives in Nottinghamshire.
He works for English Heritage.
He is a lay member of a Franciscan community.

Deborah Tomkins
Deborah lives in Bristol with her family, and enjoys growing things to eat, and writing. She studied French and Linguistics before becoming a dictionary writer, has educated her children at home, and is passionate about supporting local initiatives such as food and transport.

Ashley Ralston
Ashley, a former engineer in the food industry, now spends some time now with his local Justice and Peace Group

Poppy Pickard (Web Designer)
A keen Traidcraft seller, activist and speaker, active in her local Global Justice Now group, enjoys gardening.
In a previous existence lectured in Computing and Maths

John Payne (Joy in Enough co-ordinator)
Worked as a development project manager and country lead for the British Council in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East witnessing some of the impact climate change is having on the vulnerable poor. He is a grandfather, Churchwarden, Chair of Governors of the village school, trustee of a small village community organisation focusing on sustainability, and is mad about the operas of Richard Wagner.

Eleanor Orr (GC Treasurer)
Accountant – working for Christian Medical Fellowship.
Lives in Inner London
Cycle commuter

Peter Grimwood (Participation convenor)
Peter is a retired Methodist Minister seeking to recapture his radical youth. In the autumn of his days teach the free man how to praise. W H Auden.

Barbara Echlin (Administration convenor)
Barbara lives on the south coast where she helps tend an organic fruit and vegetable garden and enjoys cooking and preserving the produce. She is actively involved with the local UNA and Global Justice Now, Bexhill and Rother District environmental groups and worships at the Saxon foundation parish church.

George Dow (Way of Life Community co-ordinator)
Lives in Penzance, Cornwall. Likes organic gardening, local food, bread/soup making, Green Party, writing poems and songs and playing guitar.

Tim Cooper
Tim was one of the founder members of Green Christian, in 1982, its first National Co-ordinator and is a former Chairman. His first book, Green Christianity, was published in 1990. Currently he is a professor at Nottingham Trent University. He is married with three (grown up) daughters, keeps chickens, and occasionally runs half marathons for the charity Action for ME.

Louise Cook
Louise lives in South London with a husband and three sons. She has a maths degree but has always worked in communications. She is passionate about encouraging more people to take action to protect the environment. Louise enjoys growing tomatoes and making candles and she plays the viola.


Kevin Scot (Company Secretary)
In the early 1990s Kevin established the Nottingham Churches Environment Network, and has served as Green Christian’s Company Secretary since 1994. Kevin lives in Hereford, and is a teacher of Religious Studies. He enjoys long-distance cycling, progressive rock, and singing renaissance choral music.

Ruth Jarman (Admin Officer)
Ruth a previous member of the old Steering Committee is now our Admin Officer. Ruth is also a member of Christian Climate Action and a trustee of  Operation Noah


Rt. Revd. James Jones
Fr. Sean McDonagh
Jonathon Porritt
Prof. Sir Ghillean Prance
Dr. Elaine Storkey

Read Green Christian Privacy Policy

Charity Number : 328744
Company Number : 2445198
Registered Office : 76 Old Eign Hill, Tupsley HR1 1UA
(All general correspondence should go to Green Christian, 10 Kiln Gardens, Hartley Wintney, Hampshire RG27 8RG.)
Green Christian is a registered trading name of Christian Ecology Link