About Green Christian
Who are we?
Green Christian is a group of ordinary Christians from all backgrounds and traditions. Inspired by our faith, we do what we can to care for creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.
We are volunteer-led and have over 1000 members. We exist for those who are timid and discouraged as much as those who are confident and keen.
Read about our history [a new history page coming soon]
Read about our aims and vision
Why care for creation?
It’s God’s world, we are tasked with caring for it and we are failing.
Read more about why Christians care for creation
How can we help you care for creation?
We offer leaflets, magazines, posters, prayers, hymns and arts giving you the resources you need; workshops and talks, helping you think through the issues, and support in the crises we face with our Borrowed Time programme. Our websites will help you respond to the climate and creation emergency and to create a fairer, greener world with our Joy in Enough programme.
How can we do this together?
- Join us!
- Get involved with a campaign or activity
- What’s on – all things green and Christian
- Join a local group
How are we different from other Christian environmental organisations?
Green Christian’s Privacy Policy
All Green Christian’s policies
Read our latest Annual Report and Accounts.
Green Christian is a registered trading name of Christian Ecology Link. Company Registration No. 2445198 Registered Charity No. 328744.
Registered Office : 35 Kitto Road, London SE14 5TW (All general correspondence should go to Green Christian, 48 Morrab Road, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4EX)