For life we rejoice – New Hymn
(See Hymn Index for other green hymns)
Tune: Laudate Dominum (O Praise Ye the Lord)
For life we rejoice;
A gift from God’s hand.
Creation gives voice;
The seas, skies and land.
Each proton, electron,
Each neutron and quark,
Show order from chaos,
Speak light into dark.
Horizons unfold;
We reach into space.
We thirst to behold
The fullness of grace.
Our God, the creator,
Is source of all truth.
His infinite goodness
Renewing our youth.
Each culture delights;
Our stories combine.
When labour unites
To show the Divine.
For God made the palette
From which we all paint.
Resources to cherish
And use with restraint.
For all that’s on earth,
For all that’s beyond,
As wonders profess
With thanks we respond.
The Spirit sustaining,
As God makes things new,
Encompassed in Jesus:
All praise be to you! (Amen, Amen!)
An entry in the Settle Hymn Festival 2016: Theme: The God of Creation
Tune: Laudate Dominum (O Praise Ye the Lord)
Words: Matt Allen
Matt Allen lives in Accrington. He is happy for people to print this hymn for services and non commercial publications etc provided that they print the exact words, and that he is credited. He would be pleased to hear where it is being used
(See Hymn Index for other green hymns)
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