Why I am going to “The Big One”

Catherine Fish explains:

There is no planet B, and there is no time to lose.

As scientists have said, earth is our unique and only home. Unless we reduce carbon emissions more rapidly, we are on a trajectory for reaching “tipping points” where feedback will further increase rate of global warming.  

We cannot destroy this planet. For our sake, for our children’s and grandchildren’s and all future generations’ sake, for the sake of plant and animal ecosystems that are being destroyed’, for the sake of communities that can no longer exist on their land and are being forces to migrate, we must act to cut the dependency on burning fossil fuels.

I can no longer sit and pray, without being a voice for creation and peoples impacted by climate change, brought about by burning fossil fuels.  

There are giants of faith, who journeyed many steps, and I have taken just a fraction of a first step, but am inspired by these words of Oscar Romero: “I have begun to learn a beautiful and difficult truth: our Christian faith requires that we submerge ourselves in this world” 

The church needs to be at the forefront of action for climate justice, and I am supported by my local Anglican Church to join The Big One, and to join the voice calling for climate justice. 



Date: 13 April, 2023 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 1

Comments on "Why I am going to “The Big One”"

Clare Redfern:

April 20, 2023

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow Catherine

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