Our Partners and Friends
A question that is often asked is, “How is Green Christian different from other Christian environmental organisations?”
Go to this post for our answer to this question. And read on for our description of the others.
Other Christian Environmental Organisations
Operation Noah – Green Christian set up Operation Noah in 2004. Operation Noah’s mission is to work with the Church to inspire action on the climate crisis. The two main campaigns are Bright Now – which is the campaign on Church divestment, Church land use and investment in climate solutions, and their ‘Outreach’ campaign which aims to reach out to the more evangelical Churches on climate. Their Tenants of the King study guide has been a great success in fostering hope amid the climate crisis, although we would go further in stressing the seriousness and urgency of the latest science. Do sign up for their newsletters.
Christian Climate Action – Half a dozen people, mostly Green Christian members, set up CCA in 2012. It has since become the Christian wing of Extinction Rebellion. It is a community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic anthropogenic climate breakdown. Inspired by Jesus Christ, and social justice movements of the past, they carry out acts of nonviolent direct action to urge those in power to make the change needed. Do sign up for their newsletters and read their book.
A Rocha UK – developed and maintains Eco Church and works for the protection and restoration of the natural world.
It is a part of A Rocha International whose projects are frequently cross-cultural in character, and share a community emphasis, with a focus on science and research, practical conservation and environmental education.
Green Christian has a strong collaborative relationship with Eco Church – they link to us from their website.
Eco Church is the framework for getting local Churches in England and Wales thinking and acting on climate and creation care – most Green Christian members will use this with their Churches. Make sure that in ‘doing EcoChurch’ your congregation face up to the environmental emergencies, and grieve, pray and act accordingly. Recycling, ‘doing your bit’ and carbon footprinting will only ‘solve’ the problem if they form a part of, or a gateway to, fundamental, even disruptive, change.
Eco-congregation Scotland is the equivalent framework for greening Churches in Scotland. They also have an Environmental Chaplain and a Faith Action for Nature project.
The Life Simply Award is a similar project for Catholic Churches – an opportunity for Catholic communities – parishes, schools, religious orders and chaplaincies – to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation in Laudato Si’ to “work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”.
Hope for the Future are the experts on MP lobbying on climate. They are also Christian, but provide this wonderful service to all.
The John Ray Initiative – an educational charity with a vision to bring together scientific and Christian understandings of the environment in a way that can be widely communicated and lead to effective action.
Pray and Fast for the Climate is a movement of Christians praying and fasting on the 1st of each month for climate justice. Sign up for their monthly emails to pray with them!
The Ecological Conversion Group is a small group of Catholic volunteers responding to Pope Francis’s encyclical “Laudato Si” in which he calls for us to become Ecologically Converted. They are based in Arundel and Brighton and Westminster diocese and provide talks and workshops on the Ecological Conversion for parishes, youth groups, schools and conferences.
The Journey to 2030 is their new campaign which aims to mobilise the Catholic Church against our ecological crisis. It aims to help parish communities to act.
We are members of the following networks and campaigns
Christian Climate Action & Friends. This is a group of environment and development NGOs that gets together to organise specific prayerful events of protest and public witness. We organised the No Faith in Fossil Fuels service and pilgrimage in support of The Big One in April 2023 and the 240 hour Lent vigil for climate justice in February 2024.
Churches together in Britain and Ireland has a Environmental Issues Network (EIN), where Christian environmental and development NGOs and Churches meet, share information and work together.
Organised by EIN in the run-up to COP26, Climate Sunday provides excellent resources for churches, Christian denominations, ‘streams’ and networks to hold a climate-focused services.
Green Christian is also a member of Faith for the Climate which exists to encourage, inspire and equip faith communities in their work on climate change.
The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through repenting, repairing, and rejoicing together. Green Christian is a partner of Season of Creation.
We are a member of the Climate and Nature Bill Alliance, run by Zero Hour.
Drafted by scientists, legal experts, ecological economists and environmentalists, the CAN Bill is designed specifically to reverse the climate and ecological breakdown we’re facing.
The Bill requires the UK to take responsibility for its fair share of greenhouse gas emissions, to actively restore biodiverse habitats, and to stop damaging our natural world through the production, transportation and disposal of the goods we consume.
The Bill now has cross party support of more than 180 MPs.
The Climate Coalition. We are an active member of the Climate Coalition, the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change. Along with their sister organisations Stop Climate Chaos Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, they are a group of over 140 organisations — including the National Trust, Women’s Institute, Oxfam, and RSPB — and 22 million voices strong. They reach across the UK to show our love for all the things we want to protect from climate change, and to ask politicians to put aside their differences and commit to doing whatever is necessary to protect them.
Teach the Future is run by secondary and tertiary education students and exists to greatly improve education on the climate emergency and ecological crisis in the UK. They want schools to teach students about the climate and ecological emergency, for green skills to be included in many vocational courses and for educational buildings to be net-zero.
Useful websites
The Climate Outreach and Information Network is a ‘think and do’ tank which tries to be a bridge between the climate scientists and people and organisations.
Carbon Brief reports on the latest climate news, in an easy-to-understand and science-based way, with a particular focus on the UK. They publish a daily and weekly email briefing.
Skeptical Science – getting sceptical about global warming scepticism. An important source for good scientific rebuttals of climate misinformation. It also has some great cartoons!
Next: Green Christian Magazine, Autumn 2020, Issue 90
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