CEE Bill – Get Involved

Green Christian is proud to be one of 73 supporting allies of the CEE Bill, which now has 100 MPs signed up in support!

In this year when COP26 comes to Glasgow, we need the UK to show leadership. Asking our MPs to support the CEE Bill could be the best way to make that happen.

Scroll down for 26 March Banner Drop and Twitter Storm.

Be inspired!

There are two new videos to watch on the CEE Bill:

A two minute clear and succinct explanation of the CEE Bill:

And speeches from five different political parties, including Caroline Lucas, in parliament:

Where are we with the Bill?

The second reading of the Bill, planned for 26 March, has been delayed. This is a great opportunity for us to pile on the pressure and add to the number of MPs declaring support for the Bill. 

So, what do we do?

There are two main things to do now:

  • Talk to your MP on the CEE Bill
  • Banner Drop and Twitter Storm

Ok, so now is the time to talk to our churches and to make our banners to mark the 26th March – the date of the now postponed second reading – with a nationwide banner drop and Twitter storm. Wouldn’t it be great for our churches to join this campaign with banners hanging from church buildings all over the UK? The locations of the banner drops will be added to the map on this webpage

How to make a banner

  • Hints + Tips’ guide.
  • How to make a banner’ video
  • The message for the banner is simply ‘Back the Climate + Ecological Emergency Bill’. Please don’t include logos of your local alliance groups – keep it simple. 

The plan is to record a video message for your MP taken in front of the banner and post it on Twitter. You can find out all the details in this briefing document. You can, of course, take part in the Twitter storm even if you don’t do the banner drop – every tweet counts!



Date: 11 March, 2021 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 1

Comments on "CEE Bill – Get Involved"

Ingrid Riches:

February 22, 2021

Thank you for the amazing work on the CCE Bill. Every second counts as we emerge from the pandemic & prevent further zoonotic virus take hold. We have much to do and raising awareness for the bill is paramount. I hope to rally our church (we are an ECO church) & do more. We are stewards & all diverse but as one.

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